
  • Signals / Signs Archiviato
    8700th Block Falls Of Neuse Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District A

    In the 8700 block of Falls of Neuse (near Thropshire Dr.) on the NE bound side, trees limbs have completely overgrown and block the sign for 540 East. Cars jump over at the last second to get to the ramp because the highway sign is hidden.

    It's a miracle there are not many accidents in this spot. For those who know where they are going, it's not a problem. If you actually need to use this sign to help you, it's impossible to rely on.

    Please trim the trees/slash cut them down/relocate them away from this important sign.

    Thank you.

  • Potholes Archiviato
    4600 Triple Creek Drive Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District B
    Deep pothole in street. Large enough to bust tires and wheels