
  • Abandoned Cars Inilagay sa Artsibo
    4003 Patterson Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Colonial Place
    There is an abandoned car in front of 4003 Patterson Avenue that has been there for over a week. Does not appear to have moved and have seen no one near it. The car is a Silver, Honda Civic (I believe). Does not belong to the residents at 4001, 4003 or 4005 Patterson Avenue. Would like it towed.
  • Trash/Bulk Pick-ups Inilagay sa Artsibo
    4003 Patterson Ave Richmond, Virginia - Colonial Place
    I have two buckets of mud/sludge from some backyard clean-up sitting out by my Super Can. I suspect the trash people will not take them, will they? They are uncovered (don't have lids). Any suggestions on what to do with them?
  • Low hanging utility lines? Inilagay sa Artsibo
    4003 Patterson Ave Richmond, Virginia - Colonial Place
    I have several low hanging utility lines coming off my house. I called Dominion about the power line but others look to be phone or something else lines. I do not even have a landline phone. How do I know which phone company would service this if I do not have an active landline? Any help is appreciated. Can the city come out and see if any of these are city lines? This is at 4003 Patterson Ave, lines come off back of house to telephone pole. There are even some loose and exposed wires on back of house.
  • Low hanging utility lines Inilagay sa Artsibo
    4003 Patterson Ave Richmond, Virginia - Colonial Place
    There are several low hanging utility wires coming off of the back of 4003 Patterson Ave to the telephone pole in the alley. One is a power wire and Dominion has been called but there are 5 others or so that may be phone wires that are only 6 feet off the ground including some exposed wires on back of house. Unsafe. Please come investigate.