
  • Street Hazard Arquivado
    1813 W 14th 1/2 St Houston, Texas - Greater Heights
    Every week the street is blocked by these workers. For 2 years!!!! Its a narrow dead end street. We've asked many times for them to be considerate. Still blocking access to our street. Please cite them so they will finally get it since common sense is lost on them.
  • Drainage Arquivado
    1813 W 14th 1/2 St Houston, Texas - Greater Heights
    Homeowner installed new culvert which does not drain. Completely full of standing water since it was installed 5 days ago. Mosquitoes already a problem.
  • 309-399 Fargo St Houston, Texas - Montrose
    Where the valets have put their cone right in front of a stop sign.
  • 2300-2398 Taft St Houston, Texas - Montrose
    The valets in the 300 block of Fairview are now blocking off street parking on both sides of Fairview. They have even blocked off the street right in front of the stop sign which obstructs the view. This has been going on for weeks.