
    Old Bullard Rd And Woodland Hills Dr And Wooland Hills Dr. And Silverwoohttp://Seeclickfix.Com/Assets/Facebook/Help/Dragmarker.Gifd Tyler TX, Tyler, Texas - Tyler
    Old Bullard Rd and Woodland Hills Dr. at that intersection at the stop sign when you look down Old Bullard Rd (looking north) there is over grown weeds etc. Block the view of on coming traffic and it needs to be cut back so there won't be any accidents due it blocking your view. Then on the corner of Silverwood and Woodland Hills dr. Someone needs to cut their shrubs down lower so to be able to see on coming traffic. Silverwood seems to have accidents at that intersection.
  • SPEEDING オープン
    Woodland Hills Tyler, TX - Tyler
    any where from UPS, FED EX, to people are going over 30 miles/hr. WHEN RADAR IS SET UP IT IS NOT AT THE RIGHT TIMES. Morning when people are cutting through to go to work, people getting off work cutting through. Rest of the day is more boring. Please, one life has been lost and that is one too many.Speed signs need to be seen, no tree limbs in the way. Also foliage on Silverwood makes it hard to see people speeding over that so called hill. That is the street with the most accidents in this neighborhood.