
  • High Street Portland, Maine - Portland

    The crossing at High and Congress is extremely hazardous for pedestrians. Cars turning left from Congress Street onto High Street regularly run their red light and barrel through the crosswalk when the pedestrian walk sign is on - in fact, I have hardly EVER used this crossing and not had someone run that light. Just today, I was IN the crosswalk with my young children and the walk sign was on, and three separate vehicles decided to run through the crosswalk anyway (two turning left and one turning right). The other day, I saw a driver (who was trying to turn left from Congress onto High) honking and shouting at a cyclist who was simply proceeding with the green light in the other direction along Congress.

    PLEASE can something be done? This is an annoying and hostile environment for pedestrians and cyclists, and may well result in an accident. I don't know what would help here, but perhaps flashing lights to make sure drivers notice and acknowledge the crosswalk? Or occasional police presence at this intersection to enforce the law? This is a chronic issue.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Crosswalk Light La Kaydiiyey
    182 State Street Portland, Maine - Portland
    The flashing crosswalk light on State St in Longfellow Square is not working.