
  • Paris Street Everett, Massachusetts - Everett
    Paris street wasn't plowed right last storm and now there are 4in rut in the street causing me & my neighbors getting stuck when trying to get out of our driveways.
  • Snow Removal W archiwum
    Lewis St Everett, Massachusetts - Everett
    Lower Lewis Street problems with snow banks so high can't see coming around the corner from Paris st almost head on collisions there. also if there are cars coming out to pky & your the only one coming into neighborhood you have to back up onto Revere beach Pky which is very dangerous to pedestrians as well as other vehicles. snow banks are so high its impossible to get in & out of neighborhood. Neighbors are getting hostile not wanting to back all the way back down street etc. Emergency vehicles won't be able to get into neighborhood if there are more than 1 vehicle waiting to get out of neighborhood. Owners of the cars that shoveled and made some of these snow banks should be fined as they shoveled them onto the streets instead of their property. Get fined if you shovel snow from your driveway into street same thing snow bank in the street should be fined as well.
  • Snow Removal W archiwum
    Paris St Everett, Massachusetts - Everett
    my siblings adult day bus can not make it down to our street, they're unable to make the turn from pky onto Lewis and Lewis onto Paris street. if they can't make the turns I don't see how a Fire Truck would be able to get into this neighborhood. This pix was taken late am today 2-3-15. Also Baily street sidewalks not shoveled there is no where to put the snow. The small pickup truck plowing is not big enough for this neighborhood.