
  • Police Issue Đã lưu trữ
    Baxter Boulevard Portland, Maine - Portland
    People CONSISTENTLY drive in the bike lane. PLEASE enforce. They come up quickly on the right. Last night around 5:00-5:15 pm I saw 10 cars pass on the right bike lane just to get wherever they wanted to go faster. It is ridiculous to watch.
  • Inspection Issue Đã lưu trữ
    91 Holm Avenue Portland, Maine - Portland
    Please do something about 91 Holm Avenue. It is rundown and in need of either being torn down or rehabed. I am concerned about rodents, vagrants, and fire hazard to neighboring houses. This house has not been repaired in years.
  • Other Đã lưu trữ
    Middle/Exchange Street Portland, Maine - Portland
    At Tommy's Park DAILY there is a large group of homeless (?) youth loitering, being loud, damaging trees and bushes, leaving their trash, and blocking the sidewalks in groups. I do not see a police presence there much anymore. They seem to congregate in the mid afternoon to evening. Please monitor them as they seem to be getting more and more brazen in their behavior. For those of us who want to sit in peace during lunch and actually be able to walk on the sidewalk without them blocking it, we could use some help. THANK YOU.
  • Police Issue Đã lưu trữ
    Brighton Avenue Portland, Maine - Portland
    Two issues: speeding and consistent violators making one lane into two is my biggest concern. From Rosemart Market all the way up Brighton Avenue going intown Portland, it is supposed to be one lane. Every day in the morning around 8:00 am, I observe people either speeding on the left side making it a two lane (up to Stevens Avenue). They then speed in front of the traffic going straight. Then, others from St. John Street all the way up to Falmouth Street speed on the right side making that a two lane when it is just one lane. The only thing slowing these people down is if by chance there are some parked cars on the right. Please have someone watch these areas around morning traffic times. (8:00-8:30 am) Thank you.
  • Police Issue Đã lưu trữ
    Holm Avenue Portland Portland, Maine - Portland
    Drugs ? are being sold in cars. It is a common place thing now to see a car parked near the woods on Holm Avenue/Taft Avenue near the top of Brighton Avenue. Another car or a person will walk or drive by slowly and something is being exchanged. Please have the police monitor the neighborhood even more than usual so those that are doing it know it is not tolerated and they will be prosecuted swiftly. Thank you.
  • Other Đã lưu trữ
    116-122 Brighton Avenue Portland, Maine - Portland
    I counted 14 cars passing on the right lane of a one lane street (Brighton Avenue) from Sheffield Street up to the corner of Falmouth Street and Brighton Avenue going on the right of stopped traffic in the bike lane. When will this issue be resolved? It is riduculous how the bike lane is being ignored.
  • Other Đã lưu trữ
    2 Portland Street Portland, Maine - Portland
    This morning at 8:10 or so a garbage to garden truck blocked the intersection of Portland Street and Preble for at least 15 minutes (people had to go around him) while he casually picked up a bin and washed it out. It is a common place for people to park illegally that drop off their kids at the daycare anyway. A car was parked illegally which did not help. What I saw today, (car parked in wrong spot) and garbage to garden truck in the middle of the road happens often. Please monitor their activities. Thank you.
  • -- Excessive speeding Đã lưu trữ
    Holm Avenue Portland, Maine - Portland
    For years I have seen (15 plus) people continue to speed down Holm Avenue with total disregard to the speed limit. They are usually heading towards Brighton Avenue in the straightaway. They go so fast I cannot even get their license plate #'s.I am witness to four times parked cars have been hit, and other times people have had accidents due to just plain inattention and speeding. I have seen those same speeders many times look down and texti too. I have yet to see anyone ever given tickets for speeding nor the police stop anyone. PLEASE have this looked into before someone gets hit or hurt.
  • Graffiti Đã lưu trữ
    Exchange Street Portland, Maine - Portland
    There is more and more graffati on the Fed Ex, Post Office boxes and buildings every day. Please somebody take notice.