John Satterfield McCord

  • 924 Curry Drive Macon, Georgia - Macon
    I have sent you several complaints about this property. It is an absolute EYE SORE to our neighborhood and the owner needs to maintain the property even though she an]abandoned it and moved back to Jones County years ago! It is an attraction to snakes, mosquitoes, vagrants,. vandals and irritated neighbors!!!!!!! I am tired of sending these complaints and get no answer from your department. Take care of this problem before it gets a lot worse. i am not going to quit complaining until you do something about it.
  • 921 Curry Drive Macon, Georgia - Macon
    This house was abandoned a few years aago and the neighbors have been trying to keep the grass cut, etc. but it is time for the city to do something to the owner. I sent this to you a week or so ago and have not gotten any feedback, etc.
  • P-WORKS: Cave-In or Sinking Inilagay sa Artsibo
    Boulevard Macon, Georgia - Macon
    Southern Landscaping and Construction is working on Jackson Springs for someone that lives on South Jackson Springs Rd. I believe/. . I want to make sure the company has the permits to work on Jackson Springs and are not doing harm to the enviroment , etc. This is the second dime I have seen someone going into the property from Boulevard in the past year to work on this area and every time i ask them what they are doing and if they have a permit they are very rude to me and also leave very quickly. Please check on this enviromental issue. This creek runs into the Ocmulgee River
  • S-WASTE: Recycling Bin Inilagay sa Artsibo
    940 Curry Drive Macon, Georgia - Macon
  • 120 New Street Macon, Georgia - Macon
    The traffic light takes extremely too long to change when you are on New Street and trying to turn onto Riverside Drive. It also does not allow for maybe 3 or 4 cars at the mos to go thru the signal before it changes- especuialy with all the people not paying attention and on their phones, etc. Please make it so more cars can turn from New St. onto Riverside Drive and also allow it to change more often for those who are on New st. waiting to turn. I have been at my business , Satterfields, for 30 plus years and it needs to be changed please. My customers are always complaining about the shortness of the turnn time and the length of time in between the light changing.