
Open Issues: 33 Closed Issues: 3,490 Acknowledged Issues: 42
Watching issues created after: 2010-08-30


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  • 972 State St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Bishop-Hine

    JP Demspeys is attracting motorcycles to the neighborhood that make it unliveable. This needs to stop and we need the police's help. There are three bike parked out front right now and I am waiting for an officer but I have not had luck w the police's help in the past.

    We need traffic stops for decibel meters on State Street.

  • Pearl Street New Haven, CT - SOHU
    Pearl Street has a PCI of 55 and is in need of a
  • 57 Pearl St New Haven, CT 06511 - SOHU
    Sidewalk is disintegrating into gravel.
  • Humphrey Street Between State And Orange. - SOHU
    Loud motorcycles frequently speed down Humphrey Street, breaking both the speed limits and the municipal noise ordinance. Some are coming from the bars on State Street/Humphrey Street. Others are getting off I-91 and speed down Humphrey on their way downtown.
  • 103 Bishop St New Haven, CT 06511 - Bishop-Hine
    I often see, or hear, the big blue and white Yale school bus flying up Bishop Street with the pedal to the medal. The bus screams by, both in speed and sound, revving its engine flying up to Orange Street as if it was heading to YNHH with someone in labor. If a child or person who'd been drinking too much happened to wander into the road, ferget it! Two points for that driver. I tried to tell a cop who was parked on Bishop when I got home tonight, but no one was in the cruiser at the time. I think NHPD oughta park themselves with a speed detector and ticket whoever's racing up and down our streets.
  • Eld St New Haven, CT 06511 - SOHU
    City Workers continue their longstanding efforts to destroy the trees in the East Rock neighborhood. Defying repeated complaints, city workers continue to regularly staple parking signs to trees, as if they were irrelevant to the quality of life (not to mention health) of New Haven residents. (Take a stroll down Eld and count the staples in each tree!!!) These workers had a party before the New Haven marathan, stapling up Grove as well. Trying to get the attention of public works on this issue is about as effective as writing postcards to the Bush adminstration.
  • Trash Archived
    55 Pearl Street New Haven, CT 06511, USA - SOHU
    Do the trash/recycle collectors REALLY need to come at 5:30 in the morning? For a year now I have been ripped from my sleep by the obnoxiously loud trucks and the shouts of the workers. I can't stand it anymore.
  • Bradley St New Haven Ct - SOHU
    Just called New Haven police nonemergency number, to report a number of vehicles without permits parked on Bradley Street. First night of the new restaurant, Roosevelts, open.
  • 144 Bradley Street New Haven, CT - SOHU
    Car hit my car and is left abandoned facing wrong direction. No way for plow to go through.
  • 611 Orange Street New Haven, Connecticut - Bishop-Hine

    It appears the folks at Nicas are clearing a path from their parking lot behind the house on the corner of Bishop and Orange, to put in a connecting driveway onto Bishop Street. If you look closely, you can see the chalk marks on the ground where they are planning the driveway.

    Is this even legal? I am very concerned about this. The owners at Nicas have historically not shown a great deal of concern about following the law - whether it be the number of outdoor seats allowed, zoning issues, parking lot issues, garbage issues etc.. Nor have they concerned themselves much about the danger their persistently illegally parked supply trucks present to the public (driving OR walking). IN short, they cannot be trusted to take public safety and public good into consideration when making changes.

    I hate to think the effect such a driveway would have on the increased traffic to the neighborhood.

    Zoning - please step in here. Surely these people must be breaking a half-dozen zoning codes.

  • 36 Bishop St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Bishop-Hine

    There is an owner of a black lab who has been walking his dog without a leash. Every day this dog defecates on our newly landscaped property. I have asked this gentleman to please either pick up after his dog or please walk him on a leash. I do not even care if the dog defecates on the lawn, but the owner is not picking it up; that is the problem. I do not consider this issue closed and would like a full resolution to it.

    Now, this is the last time I will be posting anything and this is my last warning. Ben, I have already contacted the police, and I need to be able to give them the name and address of this dog owner. How can I get that from you? Or can I give you my contact at the police station?

  • 615 Orange St New Haven, CT - Bishop-Hine
    Nica's supply trucks are regularly blocking Bishop Street. They either park across a lane of traffic (see picture - this truck is parked!) or they park so close to the corner that it is nearly impossible to pull out onto Orange st. without endangering yourself.