Southend of Clinton\Strong School Play Ground

Open Issues: 0 Temas cerrados: 15 Temas Reconocidos: 0
Watching issues created after: 2009-07-04

My watch area is the south end of Clinton Avenue , the sidewalks and streets in front of my house and the school yard of the Strong School.

The principal of the school, Mr. Huff is a good & responsible neighbor however the school system refuses to takes responsibility for inappropriete use of their playground at night. Specifically, the NHPS refuse to installing a light so we can see who is in the park at night.

Notified About

  • 19 Clinton Ave New Haven, CT 06513 - Chatham Square

    Now that the New Haven Public School System is not using Strong School (corner of Grand and Clinton) Avenues, as swing space there is no one monitoring the use and abuse of the park and parking lot behind the school. Most users are children under parental supervision but there is an increasing number of users without children hanging out at the park, drinking, destroying the rubberized ground cover around the playscape by pulling it out and throwing it out on the street (and on to my property). Neighbors have reported drug use and prostitution.

    The neighborhood needs an expeditious determination as to what the NHPS system is planning to do with this property. We need to be told the plan and the time table.

    In the meanwhile it would help if there were standing orders to have police driving by ask anyone on the property, not accompanying children under 12 to please move.

  • Graffiti Archived
    19 Clinton Avenue New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    Strong school building rear and Perkins st side.
  • 69 Grand Avenue New Haven, CT - Chatham Square
    It appears a car was crashed into the fence at the south side of the Strong School building playground. There is car glass on the ground and the fence has been damaged in a way that could hurt children who play with it. Please repair as soon as possible.
  • Sidewalks Archived
    17-79 Clinton Ave New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    Damaged sidewalk in need of replacement from damage caused by current street tree and former street tree. In front of 29 Clinton Ave
  • 19 Clinton Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Chatham Square
    Decided to play catch with my family and some local kids and to say the least the state of the Strong School playground is unacceptable. Broken glass everywhere, garbage and other foreign objects children shouldn't have to be exposed to (if you catch my drift). Clean it up, the kids need a place to go.
  • Parks Request Archived
    19 Clinton Avenue New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    Clinton St/Old Strong School garbage can overflowing
  • Graffiti Archived
    29 Clinton Avenue New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    New graffiti on the north and east side of the Strong School building. Please remove as soon as possible.
  • 27 Clinton Place New Haven, CT - Chatham Square
    Resident reports that people in the area are dumping items on to a vacant lot at this address.
  • 27 Clinton Avenue New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Chatham Square

    The ground covering for the playground and windows have been repaired.

    - Pieces of the picnic tables have been broken off, making the tables a hazard.
    - Recycling storage bin should be pushed flush against the wall so that it cannot be used to hide behind.

  • 29 Clinton Avenue New Haven, CT - Chatham Square
    There is a dead tree in front of my house and another tree that emits some sort of oil that makes my brick walk way slippery. Would appreciate a call from someone at city hall to arrange for the removal of the dead tree so we can plant a new one and a consult on what to do about the slippery walk way caused by the residue from the tree.
  • Graffiti Archived
    19 Clinton Avenue New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    Black marker graffiti on toddler slide in Clinton street park next to old Strong School.
  • Dead cat Archived
    19-29 Clinton Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Chatham Square
    There's a dead cat in the gutter on the northbound side of Clinton Ave., probably a stray. Looks like its been there a couple of days. This could become a public health issue if its not cleaned up soon.