District 1: Eric Mar

Problèmes Ouverts: 73 Problèmes Clos: 560 Problèmes Pris en compte: 10
Watching issues created after: 2008-07-21

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  • 1739 John F Kennedy Dr San Francisco, CA 94122 - US Congressional District CA8
    Im not sure exactly what goes on around here, but it seems like a gay sex meeting place. Ive unintentionally interrupted a few couples during my bike rides.
  • 209 14th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94118, USA - Inner Richmond
    Garbage, could be homeless camp
  • 477 599 John F Kennedy Dr San Francisco, CA 94118, USA - US Congressional District CA8

    There needs to be more enforcement of leash laws in Golden Gate Park on Sundays. It is great that the close the streets so that people can ride, skate, walk or whatever through that area, but there are too many off-leash dogs.

    Dogs are unpredictable, have little traffic sense and present a hazard to bikes. Plus many people (particularly children) are uncomfortable around dogs. Too many dog owners think there dog is just "friendly" but then when it knocks someone over or bites someone they say "oh, it has never done that before".

    Leash laws exist for a reason and it is very selfish for people with dogs to endanger others by not obeying them.

  • 15th And California San Francisco, CA - Inner Richmond
    Cars go very fast, over the speed limit, on California at this intersection. There is no stop sign and no street light. It is highly hazardous to pedestrians and cars trying to cross 15th ave.
  • 507 Masonic Ave San Francisco, CA 94117 - Inner Richmond
    Fix Masonic, a neighborhood group, got the city to post 25 mph signs on Masonic. Do any motorists notice? This corridor seems built as a speedway; how about some traffic calming measures for safety. Also the design of traffic flow is erratic with lanes appearing and disappearing (into parking lanes). Streamlined travel, better travel for buses and bikes, and ped safety are all in order. Look for new proposed measures accompanying the new bike plan with bike lanes proposed to get greater safety for all.
  • Pavement_Defect Acknowledged
    401-465 Stanyan St San Francisco, CA 94117, USA - Inner Richmond
    At Fulton and Stanyan, pavement is very uneven in northbound left-turn lane. The asphalt has numerous large lumps which make it difficult to ride a bike through the intersection.
  • 857 John F Kennedy Dr San Francisco, CA 94122 - US Congressional District CA8

    JFK Dr. btwn Transverse and Chain of Lakes needs repaving. The section from Transverse to Panhandle has been completed. Now it's time for the other section of JFK to be completed.

    This is in Golden Gate Park.

  • Martin Luther King Jr Dr San Francisco, CA 00 - US Congressional District CA8
    beach goers and residents park their cars on MLK drive near lincoln way and not know parking id not allowed after 10:00 pm, there are no signs saying noparking after 10:00 pm and park rangers and police give parking tickets all the time, tickets are 76 dollars, please post signs.
  • Middle Dr W San Francisco, CA 94122, USA - US Congressional District CA8

    For no particularly good reason, GG Park is putting up street barriers on the weekend at this roadway. I'm handicapped, and now have to hobble on foot to the lake area. It's also random. Some weekends the barriers go up; some not. It's outside the area SF closes the park on weekends, so it's not even within park policy. And the lake it prohibits me from getting to is popular with elderly and handicapped to be driven to to sit by. There's no good reason for this area to be offlimits to cars on the weekends, since it's so rarely used, it's an off-leash dog area. It's anti-handicapped, and for no good reason. If it continues, and if SF City doesn't correct it soon, I'll be making an official complaint under the ADA act to federal authorities, which the ADA provides for, to force the City of San Francisco to allow weekend handicapped access to this area.

    GPS location of where metal barriers are placed on weekends:
    37 degrees, 45' 59" N
    122 degrees, 29' 33" W

  • 339 31st Ave San Francisco, CA - Outer Richmond
    There is garbage and van in front of house and on sidewalk that has not been taken care of for a long long time now.
  • United States - Inner Richmond
  • Other Archived
    300-370 Park Presidio Boulevard San Francisco, CA 94118, USA - Inner Richmond
    Trail impassible to pedestrians due to vehicular traffic. Police patrols, park and rec maintenance vehicles, clear channel bus shelter maintenance crews and sfmta traffic camera maintenance crews trafficking the park presidio trail have torn up the trail so much as to make it nearly impassible on foot.