South East Rock Against Traffic

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Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2012-03-07

The section of Orange St between Humphrey and Trumbull is one of the busiest in the whole city for vehicle traffic. This watch area is designed to highlight the immense problems caused by too many commuters on what is otherwise a residential street.

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • Humphrey Street Between State And Orange. - SOHU
    Loud motorcycles frequently speed down Humphrey Street, breaking both the speed limits and the municipal noise ordinance. Some are coming from the bars on State Street/Humphrey Street. Others are getting off I-91 and speed down Humphrey on their way downtown.
  • Bradley At State New Haven, CT - Downtown

    Help us make the Bradley/State Intersection safe!

    In April 2012 we submitted a New Haven Complete Streets project request to improve the safety of motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists at the intersection of Bradley and State (attached).

    This application requested bump-outs to improve visibility on State Street at Bradley Street -- or a traffic light.

    The Engineering Department of the City replied that our problem would be assessed by “ . . . verification of speeds and volumes on the road, traffic accident data and a physical review of the road and its context within the neighborhood.”

    This measure alone will not illustrate how difficult and dangerous it is to exit Bradley. We need you to document your experiences with this intersection in the comments below.

    Thank you for supporting the application, and safer streets for all.

  • Eld St New Haven, CT 06511 - SOHU
    City Workers continue their longstanding efforts to destroy the trees in the East Rock neighborhood. Defying repeated complaints, city workers continue to regularly staple parking signs to trees, as if they were irrelevant to the quality of life (not to mention health) of New Haven residents. (Take a stroll down Eld and count the staples in each tree!!!) These workers had a party before the New Haven marathan, stapling up Grove as well. Trying to get the attention of public works on this issue is about as effective as writing postcards to the Bush adminstration.
  • 11 Lincoln St New Haven, CT 06511 - New Haven
    Almost daily reports of very serious incidents involving pedestrians crossing at this intersection. Speeds are well in excess of the speed limit, and drivers (even buses, police vehicles, public vehicles, etc.) regularly ignore the crosswalk. Also, drivers get impatient when bicyclists need to make turns onto Lincoln. Traffic calming measures are needed here. Perhaps even a stop sign is warranted.
  • Orange St And Pearl St New Haven, CT - SOHU

    Unless you step out into the crosswalk, and risk getting run over, the vast majority of drivers don't yield to the pedestrians trying to cross the street at this intersection. I've seen it happen in front of the police who've done nothing about it. Once, in front of the police, I had to step out in the street and put up my hands to help a woman with her young child cross the street while at least two drivers laid on their horns.

    Can we please get an officer who will do their job and actually stop drivers and give them tickets for this behavior? It is getting dangerous and I really don't want to see anybody get hit.

  • Eld St New Haven, CT - SOHU

    What is UP with this?! Somebody new on the job? Street-sweeping "no parking" signs have been stapled to trees young and old all over this neighborhood and probably beyond. It's bad enough for the mature trees, but the young ones can't handle it.

    I honestly thought this issue had been hashed out and solved over the last couple of years. Way to undermine the hours of good work of neighbors and URI, guys.

    Will the city please send someone around to carefully remove the signs and staples from all the trees, asap? And please, please be extra gentle with the new trees.

  • Trumbull St. & Lincoln St. New Haven, CT - New Haven

    On a popular walking route for East Rock residents to get downtown (via Audubon St.), one crosses Trumbull St. at Lincoln Ave. Despite signs saying "yield to pedestrians in crosswalk" I find that not only do drivers not yield, they typically accelerate. From one end they are coming off of I-91 and still going highway speeds, on the other they are trying to make the light at Orange St. I almost get hit by cars here once a week or so. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Maybe some blinking lights or a radar sign that tells drivers how fast they are going would help?

  • 815 State Street New Haven, CT - SOHU
    The trees along the I-91 corridor and State Street were cut down by the DOT. Are they putting up a much needed SOUND BARRIER? If not, the trees are the only thing blocking the view of traffic and increasing traffic/truck noise and need to be replaced. Quality of life will be impaired...SOUND BARRIER for UPPER STATE STREET!!!
  • 151 Whitney Ave New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Yale University Campus
    Pedestrian Injury
  • 567 Orange St New Haven, CT - SOHU
    At approximately 8:45 am today I was on Orange St heading NE waiting at a red light behind a tow truck. Humphrey St had the green light. Visibility for traffic heading NW on Humphrey was blocked by the tow truck in front of me. All of a sudden a tow truck 2 or 3 vehicles behind me pulled into the oncoming lane and sped up Orange St, passing through the Humphrey intersection at about 25 mph, accelerating, not braking. If any vehicle had reached the intersection from Humphey from the south side, there would have been a TERRIBLE accident. I was so shocked I didn't think to get a description of the tow truck. If anyone else saw this, or if there are cameras in that intersection, I hope this can be investigated.
  • Orange St. At Bradley St. New Haven, CT - SOHU
    I was crossing Orange St. in a marked crosswalk with a "State Law Yield to Pedestrians" sign in the middle of the street. I was pushing my five month old son in his stroller. A man in a blue pickup truck started yelling obscenities then hit the gas and nearly ran us over - I had to run out of the crosswalk to avoid being hit. What good are crosswalks if they're blatantly ignored? Why haven't I ever seen police ticketing at a crosswalk? This is too much. I would happily give the police a description if I thought they were interested.
  • HUGE pothole Archived
    175 Whitney Ave New Haven, CT 06511 - Yale University Campus
    There is a huge deep pothole between 155 Whitney and I think the Lawn Club. It is really damaging and needs to be filed.