Open Issues: 18
Closed Issues: 5,881
Acknowledged Issues: 21
Watching issues created after: 2015-11-15
Covers the FarWest Detroit Civic Association area.
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Culvert failure Archived9164-9248 W Parkway St Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI14The Culvert carrying west parkway over the Ashcroft Sherwood drain is failing. The street is sinking and there is a large hole in the berm. Wayne county says the road belongs to the city of Detroit, hence its the city's problem.
Illegal Dump Sites Archived7280 Lamphere St Detroit MI 48239, United States - US Congressional District MI14Car parked in front lawn Multiple Courville cans Commercial tow truck blocking fire hydrant Another tow truck in the driveway
7336 Rockdale Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI14Northbound Parkland Nr Belton warning of stop sign, & Stop sign blocked by tree foilage. Vehicles cannot stop as they do not see the Stop sign until they blow through it. Southbound Warning of Stop sign 1 block apart, becoming blocked by foliage, also. IMMEDIATE ATTENTION NEEDED, PLEASE. Thank you.
Traffic Sign Issue ArchivedJoy Rd And West Parkway - US Congressional District MI14Before construction there was a No Right Turn On Red sign from eastbound Joy Road to southbound West Parkway. It needs to be replaced. Also the stop bar is missing. People are stopping at the white concrete marking in the middle of the intersection. It needs to be repainted.
Illegal Dump Sites Archived7306 Dolphin St Detroit MI 48239, United States - US Congressional District MI14I would like to know why no body has done anything to quick this guy and his junk yard out of the city. He has so much automotive trash in his backyard that he polluted the soil already with all that oil and chemicals. It is not fair that so many people are trying hard to keep the Neightborhood clean and you have people like him that continues to do the same thing over and over again.
Illegal Dump Sites Archived14771–14949 Outer Dr W Detroit 48239, United States - US Congressional District MI14Trash sick of this
Potholes ArchivedJpy Rd. And West Parkway Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI14the work on a water problem here, WHICH HAS GONE ON FOR TWO YEARS!!??, has recently left two deep potholes in the pavement
Park Issue Archived9250-9498 W Parkway St Redford, MI, 48239, USA - US Congressional District MI14Trash containers at Frances Park (Joe Prance) need to be emptied. They are full to the top. One is on W. Parkway, S. of W. Chicago. The other is on W. Chicago at Beaverland.
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived9135 W Parkway St Detroit 48239, United States - DetroitSo I know we aren’t supposed to report missed pick ups on here, however I did call advanced on 12/5 as our yard waste on the entire block was missed on 12/3. They promised someone would be out in 24 hours. Well now we’re getting close to 48 hours and there it sits in the curb. The yard waste was put out the evening of 12/2.