black cotton

Open Issues: 313 Closed Issues: 288 Acknowledged Issues: 17
Watching issues created after: 2010-03-10

keep it clean

Notified About

  • 255-267 E 18th St Brooklyn, NY 11226, USA - City Council District 40
    There is a huge area of sunken pavement along the NE corner of East 18th and Beverley. Along with being a driving hazard, it routinely catches water when it rains that takes forever to evaporate, and in the summer months this creates a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • 536-570 Barlow Ave Staten Island, NY 10312, USA - Ettingville

    This area on Barlow Ave between Getz ave and Eltingville blvd, has a house that makes Barlow ave a very narrow two way street. It's about the width of a one way! People go down this road way too fast and I think a speed bump should be placed on this narrow passage for driver and pedestrian safety. Because it is so narrow, it is the perfect spot to place a speed bump.

    People who travel up Getz Ave have a hard time seeing oncoming traffic because a house blocks the view. So I think in addition to the speed bump, an all way stop sign should be placed on the corners of Getz Ave and Barlow Ave

  • 577-579 Main St New York, NY - Roosevelt Island

    I am writing to request your assistance with an issue of child safety on Roosevelt Island. My daughter recently started kindergarten at PS/IS 217
    in the Gifted and Talented program. She is one of 20 students who ride
    daily from our home in Jackson Heights, Queens to the school in a van chartered and paid for by the families of the children. Despite the high numbers of enrolled students from our neighborhood at the school, the
    NYC Dept of Education rejected our request for DOE-funded bus service to
    PS/IS 217 - because we see promise in the Roosevelt Island school, we each
    pay $65 per week for the van service to and from school each day.

    We are troubled to learn that our van, which is chartered solely to bring
    students to and from school on Roosevelt Island, is not allowed to park in
    the bus loading area in front of the school. The Public Safety officers
    are insisting that our drivers find regular parking spots in a location
    remote from the school and then walk the children to the school - from
    wherever they are able to find parking. Our drivers are wonderful, and we
    trust their ability to drive our children safely to school - but to then
    ask them to park potentially far away from the school and to walk 10
    children each over to the school is too much.

    It is common sense to let these two vans stand in the bus-loading area
    while the drivers bring the chidren to and from their classrooms - safer
    for the children, the van drivers and the other drivers in the area.
    Please work with the Public Safety Department to let our chidren be dropped
    off and picked up from school in a safe manner, at the loading location
    where all of the other student transportation is allowed to stop.

    Thank you for your help with this issue - I look forward to hearing back
    from you.

    Julie Nymann

  • Motorgate elevators Acknowledged
    688 Main Street Roosevelt Island, NY - Roosevelt Island
    The elevators on the north end haven't be working for years. There are many people who need to park on that end and require an elevator, especially handicapped. If you are handicapped or have health issues you are forced to try to get a space at the south end which is extremely difficult or park and walk inside the garage which is dangerous to the elevators and then walk back on the sidewalk to the building you are going to. The garage is in such disrepair. The lights in the north stairways are out many nights and there is garbage and debris all over
  • 333 Adams St New York, NY 11201 - Downtown
    Green painted bike lane has extensive damage in front of Marriot hotel driveway. There are also protruding metal access boxes and manhole covers at various point. This is the main west bound bike lane to the Brooklyn Bridge and it is extremely dangerous.
  • 1117 Norbay St Franklin Square, NY 11010, USA - Queens Village
    This content is currently blocked. The content is either under review by SeeClickFix or has been confirmed by SeeClickFix for violation(s) of SeeClickFix Terms of Use ( Content that aligns with SeeClickFix Terms of Use will be posted, and content that does not align with our Terms of Use will not be permitted for public viewing.
  • 400 Argyle Rd Brooklyn, NY - City Council District 40
    There are group of guys who loiter on Argyle outside the Salahi deli. They start in the evening and are there until the early morning. They drink, smoke pot, yell, fight, and urinate on the adjacent properties. They hit people up for money in a threatening manner, and leave their litter and bottles in and around parked cars, on the sidewalk, etc. And, their noise disturbs the people in the building above them.
  • 665 9 Ave New York, NY 10036 - Clinton
    Every winter, especially on the coldest days and when the season commences, we are not sure if we will wake up to heat or hot water. Many days we have had to forfeit a shower and had to use space heaters (causing our electric bill to surge). Since we have no super in our building and management refuses to give us his phone number, we are just at the whim of any given day. The super blames the restaurant below us, accusing them of turning off the switch but somehow they never rectify this situation. The boiler has been "repaired" repeatedly but never seems to work. So far this week we have had no heat or hot water on 2 different days and nights. Since it's the weekend and the management office is closed we are hosed!
  • 3723 18th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11218, USA - Borough Park

    Dozens of rental cars with Iowa plates stored on street depriving residents of parking. Frequently, rental trucks are also parked for days at a time and not ticketed

    Now they have New Jersey plates on some of the rental cars.

  • 87-75 148th St, Jamaica, NY 11435, USA - Utopia
    Owner Gloria Montalvo (Contact # 347-666-8617) currently living in basement doesn't provide any heat at all in whole building. It's a six family house where old people and children are living.
  • 527 W 160th St New York, NY 10032, USA - City Council District 10
    I moved on April last year and hot water is hardly available and when I have it is for a few minutes now that is winter is even worst, I spoke to the board and their solution to all this is that on the side of my apt the whole line has issues w the pipes/boiler now they kindly advise me that I'm more than welcome to knock on their doors and I should be able to take a shower, their apt are in other side of the building where hot water and heat is available 24 hrs. Now after calling 333 I assume they had visit the building check and if they visited the line with heat/hot water complaints are dismiss.
  • Pot smoking Acknowledged
    West Road New York, Ny - Roosevelt Island
    It has become difficult to walk along the River with children due to the open and incessant pot smoking. I've even seen adults smoking in the play area behind 580 Main. Public safety sees these groups and does nothing about it - they drive right by without stopping.