Cambridge Traffic Engineer

Open Issues: 149 Closed Issues: 19,359 Acknowledged Issues: 383
Watching issues created after: 2010-07-22

Traffic Engineer for the City of Cambridge

Notified About

  • 150 Cambridge Park Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts - North Cambridge
    I would like to submit a complaint about the daily traffic jam on Cambridge Park Drive. One road does not suffice for the employees & (now) residents that use this road during open & close business hours. Is there a plan to alleviate the congestion?
  • 150 Cambridgepark Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts - North Cambridge
    We have seen an increase in cars driving on the wrong side of the road on CambridgePark Drive. A pedestrian was hit about a month ago and this activity seems to be increasing. I'm not sure if there is a way the city can put a slow-down signs at the crosswalks? Light them up more? Someone may get seriously hurt.
  • 101 Hampshire Street Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA - Cambridge
    I counted 33 missing flex posts on Hampshire between Prospect and Broadway. Many of the missing posts are at side streets -- exactly where we need them to prevent vehicle sharp turns and killed cyclists. Please replace these ASAP. If you don't have the capacity to replace them all the time then Cambridge should consider a real barrier that doesn't get destroyed within a year of installation. -- a community driver and cyclist who doesn't want more community members killed
  • Intersection Of Green And Hancock Cambridge, Massachusetts - Riverside
    Driving down Hancock and making the crossing across Green street is often difficult. The streets are narrow and the parking tight which makes the visibility at the crossing blind, particularly if a large vehicle is parked. So when it's at its worst you have to just eek your way into the intersection and hope a car is not coming down Green which itself has no stop sign. This is one spot I've often wished there were a stop sign on Green. There's already a sign post for do not enter signs, so adding stop signs on the opposite sides of the same posts seems straight forward.
  • Alewife Brook Pkwy & Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    This morning, I had to go to Shattuck Ace hardware, Arlington to pick-up special-order items. Mass Ave was backed up, so I made a right at Churchill Ave (0,2 miles from ABP) to go to Broadway in Somerville. When I turned right onto Alewife Brook Pkwy at the end of Matignon Road, I noticed the westbound Alewife Brook Pkwy was backed up beyond the traffic light at Woodstock Street for total of at least 0.3 miles.
    On the way back, once again, I ran into stalled traffic on the southbound Mass Ave on Arlington side.
    Please do something to mitigate this traffic congestions during rush hour if for nothing else but to reduce air pollution caused by all the idling cars.
    Sometimes the backup on northbound side goes all the way back to Pemberton. All told, there could be a mile or more if cards idling and that is a lot of air pollution!
    Please conduct traffic survey to measure the length of traffic backup on all 4 sides of the intersection during the peak of rush hour. TP&T has shown that they can conduct traffic survey without traffic counters during the community meeting period of the Cycling Safety Ordinance implementation in north Mass Ave so I am sure they can redo this survey.
    Thank you
  • Antrim St & Cambridge St Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA - Mid-Cambridge

    During the morning and evening commute on the pole immediately to the right of the driver (in the northwest corner of the intersection) there is a solid red light AND a blinking yellow right arrow, along with a permanent No Right on Red sign hanging from the pole. It seems that the purpose of this yellow arrow is to indicate the driver can turn right with caution for the bike lane, however with the red light remaining illuminated, the driver is also told by the hanging sign that they cannot proceed right.

    This results in a very large number of confused drivers per day who will sit through the entire traffic cycle waiting to turn right while not a single car can go through. The practical outcome of this is that cars behind them become so frustrated that they eventually swerve around the car in the front partially crossing over the double yellow into the northbound lane of Hampshire street. This creates an incredibly hazardous situation to drivers and pedestrians.

  • Linnaean St & Raymond St Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA - Neighborhood 9
    Ever since Garden Street became one way, Raymond has been inundated with cars, trucks, school buses, and delivery vehicles. Raymond isn’t wide enough to accommodate all this extra traffic, along with heavy pedestrian use and cyclists. Someone is going to get seriously hurt or worse unless something is done about this. Cars need to be directed away from Raymond into larger streets. At a minimum, we need to have no turns onto Raymond from 7-9am and 5-7pm.
  • 2177-2201 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    On morning of 10/22/18, left turn signal from westbound Mass Ave onto westbound Rindge Avenue was not working.
  • Albany Street And Pacific Street Intersection Cambridge, MA - Cambridgeport
    This intersection has a raised brick "crosswalk" but no painted white stripe lines. The result is that cars driving down Albany rarely yield for pedestrians in an area with a large student population.
  • 87 Cambridgepark Dr Cambridge, MA 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    Reporting encampment to be dispersed. Previous encampments have deposited significant litter and make walking the trails unsettling(since someone has claimed the area as their house).
  • 23–99 Dickinson St Cambridge 02139, United States - The Port
    This new marking on Broadway has cyclists in the door zone it’s too narrow and it was so much better before when we had the sharrows because traffic in this area moves slowly ...people jump in and out between cars and cross the street in this commercial area, so to be pushed over into the cars is really dangerous
  • Cambridge 02140 United States - Neighborhood 9
    Button on south side is not working. Warning lights do not turn on