Swimmy 44

Open Issues: 1,356 Closed Issues: 15,293 Acknowledged Issues: 9,162
Watching issues created after: 2020-07-22

Cleveland Heights and Chinatown

Notified About

  • Oakland Ca 94606 United States - Cleveland Heights
    The slide at FM smith park has been busted for at least a year. When will this be fixed? It is such a hazard to children and they deserve to use the slide
  • E 22nd St Oakland, CA, 94606, USA - Ivy Hill
    The area adjacent to Park Blvd Plaza needs a crosswalk, physical traffic calming, and a 20 mph speed zone. The redesign left a long stretch between crosswalks at Newton and Van Dyke, where vehicles tend to pick up a lot of speed in both directions. Speeds on Park Blvd are still too fast, even after the road diet. This is a park for the area with a lot of pedestrians, a bus stop, and a wide span, and should be a priority for traffic calming. There should be at a minimum a high visibility crosswalk at E 22nd and mid-street signs directing vehicles to stop for people in crosswalks
  • Other City Services Acknowledged
    Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Lake Merritt
    Illegal camping Illegal dumping Non sanitary conditions Public health crisis Native bird abuse
  • Sidewalk - Damage Acknowledged
    550 Radnor Rd Oakland CA 94606, United States - Cleveland Heights
    Not exactly sidewalk - a step on a steep rounded stairway has collapsed - right on the corner of Radnor and Cleveland Very dangerous Cannot be seen in dim light Makes one side of stairway extremely hazardous This should be addressed rapidly Safety hazard
  • 595 Merritt Ave Oakland CA 94610, United States - Cleveland Heights
    Two sideshows at this 5 way intersection last night One at 11:30 pm and one early Saturday am
  • Homeless Encampment Acknowledged
    Lake Merritt Channel Path Oakland CA 94607, United States - Civic Center
    They are now blocking the entire path. If this were a roadway it would be removed in 20 minutes
  • Other City Services Acknowledged
    526 Grand Ave Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Encampment on the lake This has been here for months Why is this allowed What's to keep others from doing the same It's an eyesore to our beautiful lake !
  • Homeless Encampment Acknowledged
    Lake Merritt Blvd Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Civic Center
    Encampment blocking bike path, tried to make it past but then was bit by territorial dog. The encampment all along this path nearing Lake Merritt has grown exponentially since the last time we passed thru.
  • Homeless Encampment Acknowledged
    Grand Ave Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Homeless man living on sidewalk shouting at passersby and relieving himself on the sidewalk Second homeless man living in tent blocking sidewalk
  • 500–548 Spruce St Oakland CA 94606, United States - Cleveland Heights
    This is the second major wreck at the intersection of Spruce St/7th Ave and Park Blvd in six days. There are way too many people speeding at often more than 2x the posted speed limit of 25 mph down lower Park Blvd, and many of these drivers also cross the double yellow lane into oncoming traffic along the curves and then drive through red lights. Please, please, PLEASE implement regular traffic enforcement along lower Park Blvd (at least upper Park Blvd has a median) as well as a high visibility enforcement operation. People are being injured and someone could easily die, and the City has done nothing to combat this problem in the 9+ years I've lived at this corner.
  • Macarthur Blvd Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Disgusting decomposing objects hung on fence next to MacArthur
  • Lake Merritt Blvd Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Civic Center
    Hi, both sidewalks on either side of the channel going from Lake Merritt to the Bay are entirely blocked by homeless encampments. The only way to get through involves stepping over bulky items, bbq grills, bikes, tents, and garbage. I used to frequently take my kids in the stroller on this walk but now in addition to being generally sketchy, it's literally impassable. Over the summer the sidewalk on the north side had a big fire and was temporarily cleared out but is now completely blocked again.