Wash West - Town Watch
القضايا المفتوحة: 113 •
اصدارا: 165 •
قضايا المعترف: 29
Watching issues created after: 2014-05-03
Washington Square West Neighborhood
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Prostitution Acknowledged12th And Lombard - City Center East12th Street Corridor, especially from Lombard to Spruce, overrun by transvestite prostitution, drug dealers, and pimps.
pine street is a mess! Archived395 S 8th St Philadelphia, PA 19106 - Society Hillpine street from broad clear out to about 3rd just needs to be repaved. it is a mess.
chronically blocked bike lane ArchivedSpruce St 7th St Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA - Society HillRiding on spruce st bike lane begining from 3rd till 23rd people been using the bike lane as a parking lane ,always parked cars at 3rd and 5th on spruce ;and same on pine street, between 22nd and 6th having to swerve around at least 10-12 parked cars , and when said something, got screamed and harassed to a fist fight, just kept riding. during the day i have had cars use the bike lane as a passing lane too,at spruce and 8th +9th +10th. do not feel safe in the bike lanes!
115 S 13th St Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA - City Center EastOverflowing big belly trash can at south west corner 13th and walnut.
Quality of life noise issue Archived243-251 South 11th Street Philadelphia, PA - City Center EastThere is a constant high whine noise from the new air exchanger installation on the roof of Jefferson's Alumni Hall.
Homeless Trespassing Archived725 Walnut St Philadelphia, PA - Society HillFor the past year, a homeless couple has been sleeping on the steps of Chops Restaurant, and using these steps to intravenously shoot drugs as well; I live at 725 Walnut Street, and to be honest, this block is turning into Skid Row, because there are 5 other homeless people who sleep on other steps on this block.....what can be done to help and protect me and my family, who pay rent here and shop at all nearby businesses.
1320-1322 Spruce St Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA - City Center EastCars routinely drive in them, taxis routinely pull into them well ahead of a right turn, dangerously cutting you off, delivery vans and people unloading routinely stop in them, and cars park in them en masse on the weekends. All you have to do is look at the per capita murder rate of a city to see how well managed and livable it is....
Excessive trespassing by homeless Archived1200 Walnut Philadelphia, PA - City Center EastHomeless people continue to trespass on the steps on the 1200 Walnut apartment building. They are continually asking for money and blocking the entrance to the building. They sleep outside the building every night.
unbelievably bad road Archived1252 Spruce St Philadelphia, PA 19107 - City Center EastSpruce street east of Broad is in unbelievably poor condition for about 5 blocks. The patches have patches, and it's like a third world country.
Boarded windows and doors Archived1222 Locust Philadelphia, PA - City Center EastThis property is in violation of the Doors and Windows Ordinance, a recently enacted law that requires all structures on blocks that are at least 80% occupied to have actual doors and windows where they’re supposed to. Plywood is not sufficient....Also uncovered windows throughout.
1315 Spruce Street (Rear Of Building) Philadelphia, PA - City Center EastFor years I have tolerated the garbage dump that is the backyard of William Way center. It has gotten so out of hand that I am now seeking assistance from any source. Food garbage sits outside for days and sometimes weeks. Old office equipment has been rotting out there for a month. I do not appreciate having a "community center" treat the community this way. My front door face this dump. What can be done? This photo shows current conditions.
Deep pothole Archived1318 Pine St Philadelphia, PA 19107 - City Center EastRight side of the street, about 2 feet from the curb. A cyclist's worst nightmare.