DANGEROUS crossing

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Fälle beobachten, die erstellt wurden nach: 2015-11-05

Dangerous crossing

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    28 Maple Street Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    Dangerous crossing.
  • Maple Street Burlington, VT - Burlington Electric
    I work on Battery Street near the intersection with Maple. Multiple times me and my co workers are yelled at by drivers while crossing at a green light toward Maple. (Yet if we crossed on a red - dangerous - those on Battery turning left onto Maple would be yelling.) It is obvious that Burlington drivers don't give pedestrians at crosswalks the first move, but I would like to see that area safer for the many pedestrians and runners who are crossing that intersection. The crosswalk lines need to be repainted in the spring/early summer, but I would also like to see a sign or reminder that there is a pedestrian crosswalk, and they need to wait for us to cross.
  • 209 Battery St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    The traffic signal is twisted 45 degrees on its post. The walk signal for crossing maple is visible while crossing battery, and several people have mistakenly walked into the intersection when the traffic is coming, thinking they had a signal to cross. Very dangerous !
  • Battery St & Maple St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    The third time reporting this. The no turn on red arrow is on and there is no one in the vicinity that could have pushed the button for the crosswalk. The light also stays on such a long time a turtle could cross.
    I've been told but can't verify this but somehow it is linked to the railroad crossing lights. If true it is probably to clear the tracks as the crossing becomes active. Well the last time I checked you aren't supposed to stop on RR tracks so if people are dumb enough to do that then put a stop light at the tracks so when the intersection light is on red the stop light is on. Hard to cure peoples' foolishness. Stop on the tracks where I live you will just die when the train comes through, thins the gene pool. How about a sign that says don't park on the tracks it is against the law.