Select a Request Category
- filtered to 33 categories
- City of Memphis
- Maintain Marking
- Maintain Signs
- Potholes
- Curbside Trash (Bulk Trash Outside Cart)
- Garbage Missed
- Recycling Missed
- Cart Repair
- Missing Cart
- Carts Out After Hours
- Cart Lease Application
- New Start Garbage Request
- First Time Recycling Cart Request
- Stormwater Flooding
- Water Standing in Road
- Sewer Backup
- Substandard,Derelict Struc(Commercial Property)
- Substandard,Derelict Struc(Residential Property)
- Vehicle Violations
- Weeds Occupied House
- Weeds Vacant Houses
- Weeds Vacant Lots
- Roadside Litter
- Right of Way Weeds
- Trees obstructing the view/hitting vehicles
- Graffiti
- Dead Animal Collection
- Animal Service
- Cave In
- Sidewalk Inspection
- Speed Hump Request
- Traffic Signal Maintenance
- Illegal Dumping
- Other