Select a Request Category
- filtered to 43 categories
- City of Bridgeport
- Abandoned Vehicle
- Animal Control Issues
- Bathroom Plumbing Issues at a Park
- Blight (Property Maintenance Issue)
- COVID-19 Complaints
- Catch Basin Cleaning
- Construction Without a Permit
- Dead Animal in Street
- Electrical/Lighting Issues at a Park
- Environmental Health Issue
- Fence Height
- Fire Hydrant in Need of Repair
- Flooding
- Graffiti
- Housing Code Violation
- Illegal Entity
- Illegal Vehicle on Property
- Lead in Home/Daycare
- Leaf Collection
- Litter / Trash
- Manhole Cover Missing/Damaged
- Missed Recycling Pick-up
- Missed Trash Pick-up
- Other
- Potholes (or other road issues)
- Problem With Public Water Fountain
- Property Damage at a Park/Playground
- Recycling Toter (Blue) in Need of Repair
- Request a Smoke Detector
- Sewer Grate Missing/Damaged
- Sewer System Backup
- Sinkhole
- Street Light
- Street Needs Plowing
- Street Sign Issue
- Traffic Signal
- Trash Receptacle in Parks is Full
- Trash Toter (Green) in Need of Repair
- Tree Issues
- Tree Stump Issue
- Unlawful Depositing (Illegal Dumping)
- Utility Cut
- Waterfront Issues