
  • Signal repair تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    902 W Huron St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor

    There has been more work going on at 7th and Huron Street. The City is now installing left turn signals for southbound 7th, I'm sure at a high cost with new poles, new lights. This is after removing the left turn lane on northbound 7th, I'm sure at a high cost. The result is also a much shortened northbound green light, allowing and average of 4 cars to cross, backing up traffic down 7th, increasing traffic congestion, CO2 levels, pollution...in the area.

    The left turn lane should be returned to northbound 7th with a left turn signal to improve the situation.

    It was suggested in the idea stage of this project to install left turn lights in both directions, but the city refused and did there own plan, only to now change it and make it worse. How much more can the City mess up this intersection and burden taxpayers with more spending? The poor planning and wasteful spending of this City is endless.

  • Park maintenance تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    West Pk 215 Chapin St, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor
    West Park is in need of brush clearing in some areas. A number of overnight encampments have formed shown on the highlighted map. There looks to be evidence of brush fires in the same area. Since the murder on Chapin St, residents would like West Park to be a safer place with brush clearing, no overnight camping signs, and addressing questionable activity.
  • Park maintenance تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    West Pk 215 Chapin St, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor
    These pictures were taken just after the grass in West Park was supposedly cut. Either the blade was not engaged, raised up, dull, or going to fast to actually cut the grass. It is a waste of fuel and creates extra pollution to drive over grass and not cut it.
  • Trash pickup issue تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    214 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor
    Lately after garbage pickup, many cans are left with open lids or lying on the street. With rain, the can is filled with nasty water. Is there some garbage truck adjustment that would leave cans upright with closed lids as before?
  • `Other issue تم إقراره
    209 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor
    The road was changed on N 7th. There is now a curved street. At night there is no streetlight over this area and the curve can't be seen. Car are hitting the curbs. There needs to be reflective material on these curbs to avoid car damage.
  • `Other issue تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    214 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor
    Recently I drove through the Arborview Neighborhood construction area and noticed the city was replacing almost every driveway approach. The city must be taking responsibility for these, unless they are charging residents. If the city is taking responsibility, then I need to request our damaged approach be replaced. It has been this way for 20 years, filling with ice, mud, and water many times during the year. It creates a dangerous condition putting out garbage, walking to cars, or driving out of a driveway. It is a shared drive, so if affects many people. Can this be fixed?
  • Signal repair تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    214 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor
    Ever since the N 7th Street southern intersection at Huron was narrowed, traffic is backing up on N 7th. Today, on game day it was backed up from Huron around on Miller. It has never been that bad before. It also backs up daily in mornings and evenings. This makes it impossible to pull out of a yard without assistance. Having so many cars stuck at this light is increasing car emissions in the area, making air more polluted. I thought a new command station was created with fund money to control these lights from a central location. They dug up my yard for the cable. Either this system needs to be used at daily peak times to help move traffic or the Huron light needs longer timing to clear N 7th better.
  • Flooding in street or yard تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    228 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor
    Water coming up from street where past water repairs were made.
  • Signal repair تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    228 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor

    1st day of new traffic routing, removing the southbound left turn onto Huron. Traffic is backed up to Willow Street. Who approved what residents didn't want, something that inconveniences everyone? The city could have did a test, blocking the lane first, to see results, but no, they just did it. A left turn light would have been better.

    Now you are going to need to make the southbound light longer to clear traffic, or residents are in a more dangerous environment exiting driveways.

  • `Other issue تم إقراره
    214 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor

    After a month or more, Willow Street repair is almost complete. I noticed most driveway approaches on that street were also replaced.

    Our approach has been a mud puddle for 20 years, while all these approaches are being replaced. Pre-repair pictures show that the replaced approaches were not even bad.

    Can the city point me to the city regulations that determine damaged approach repair and who is responsible? I see approaches being replaced, but are residents being charged? If not, the city is taking responsibility. As the temperature drops, this approach freezes like a pond and creates a dangerous hazzard for those accessing street parking. It needs to be replaced.

  • `Other issue تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    214 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor

    Our shared driveway approach has been busted up for a long time. We have had to drive through a mud pit for 20+ years every time it rains or snows. The neighbor's a couple doors down is terrible too. Recently I see that nearly every driveway approach on Bath Street is being replaced.

    Bath Street has about 8 houses on it leading to the one way Bucholz Court. These streets have had extensive work done on them, lasting weeks, when not even in bad shape. Main streets like 7th and Miller have been pot hole filled for years and have heavy traffic on them as people move about the city. The priority to fix less traveled roads in good shape make no sense. The scheduling of projects does not fit the needs of the people using infrastructure.

    Now back to our approaches. In the last 20+ years of 7th Street, I am sure the road has been repaved, but the approaches left in decay. Are we going to get these mud pits replaced or not? Where are our city services for the tax money we pay?

  • Other issue تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    West Park Band Shell 727 Miller Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor

    (2) tents set up in Westpark since last week.

    (1) north of bandshell on hill
    (1) west of pond under giant tree

    This isn't a campground.

  • Other issue تم إقراره
    214 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor

    After the citizens on N 7th rejected the adding of one bike lane and moving the street center closer to parked cars, people are now having to pay deductibles to repair repeated broken mirrors. Add this to the dangerous situation of residents almost getting hit by cars entering or exiting a vehicle.

    The citizens were content with the share-the-road plan already in place, along with some added lines near traffic lights. The city took it upon themselves to endanger us and cost us money.

    Maybe we need some rule changes in A2. When city employees make dangerous or costly decisions, citizens can sue them directly, not taking taxpayer money. These poor decisions, like the next N 7th / Huron Street change about to happen, don't align with what citizens want and there is no accountability.

  • Pothole repair تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    214 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor

    When the city paved N 7th, the new surface never matched the end of our drive (being higher), creating a large pot we have had to deal with for a long time. I was recently told that when the project took place, the street would be made to meet the drive entrance, but it never was at that time. A large body of water or ice collects there constantly and driving over it is breaking the roads surface more and more.

    Can we get some asphalt at the end to fill the hole and level the ramp? Thanks.

  • Other issue تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Miller + Maple Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor

    When travelling west on Miller Road at Maple Road intersection, left turn traffic blocks through traffic creating large backups. These backups started after the Huron Road lane reduction years ago, buck are worse now.

    Maybe the city could either time lights to clear left turn lanes before through lanes or take away some street parking in that area to allow extending the left turn lane.

    Traffic backs up mornings and evenings and can be very long.

  • Potholes Endangering Pedestrians تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    1217 Miller Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor

    Potholes on Miller in the vicinity of Mack School are creating a dangerous situation. In avoiding potholes in the crosswalk area, it distracts drivers and endangers pedestrians. I've had this occur as I looked down to avoid potholes and a pedestrian stepped out.

    At the same time this situation exists, a small one-way road around the corner with 10 houses on it is getting a total street rebuild. I don't understand the priority.

    This portion of Miller has been neglected through 2 street repair millages already. Being a main western thoroughfare for commuters, you would think the city would make it a priority to show outside people a better city maintenance image

  • Park maintenance تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    214 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI, 48103, USA - Ann Arbor
    If park mowing of high grass could be done once along my fence, I could maintain with push mower. If not, I will need to spray for weeds.
  • Seventh Street Traffic Signal Reconstruction تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    214 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor

    The City of Ann Arbor completed work on the Seventh Street Traffic Signal Interconnect project between Miller and Scio Church. Work involved boring conduit, installing hand holes, fiber optic control wires and other traffic control infrastructure.  Most of the work took place outside the roadway, on the public righ-of-way from the curb to sidewalk.

    The contractor was to restore all damaged lawn areas as a result of this work, or any other work, as part of the project. 

    That restoration was not completed at this address. Crab grass, rocks, sand, ruts continue to occupy the work area. After repeated emails trying to find the correct person to complete the project, I have turned to this issue system.

  • Overgrowth allowing people to live in West Park تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    214 North 7th Street Ann Arbor, Michigan - Ann Arbor

    With the warmer temperatures, more people are living in West Park.
    Some specific areas of overgrowth are being used to elude site, for storing belongings and camping.
    If these areas could get some extra maintenance, opening sight of area, people would not live there, reducing resident encounters.

    The area is behind the band shell on the hill.

    The green area highlighted in the attached picture is an overgrown grass hillside that was mowed before.
    In wet times it may have been more difficult, but with very dry weather now, it should be an easy cut.
    It is a relatively small area.

    The yellow area is along the tree line.
    With undergrowth along trees, it has been a perfect storage area for belongings.
    People come day and night, camp there, use drugs there, etc.
    This area makes many of us nervous. It has become a safety concern for residents.
    If something isn't done soon, we might have to rent something to clear it.
    If at least the weeds along the edges could be cut, it would open things up.

    The residents that use West Park would appreciate your attention to this matter.
    Ann Arbor police have also been notified about people living in the park and sleeping on the band shelter.

  • Tree losing multiple limbs تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    222 N 7th Street Ann Arbor, MI - Ann Arbor

    An old street tree at 222 N 7th Street is losing multiple limbs. A long time ago City Forestry inspected the tree and stated it needed to be removed, but denied by someone. A large limb dropped across the street during a recent storm, luckily not hitting a car and killing someone. It need to be cleaned up.

    This is the same tree that dropped a limb across my car years ago, the city claiming goverment immunity to not pay for repairs.

    How long is the city going to ignore their own warnings? Their are large limbs aimed at our homes, ready to do damage.