
  • 221 Missionary Dr Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    Items left on curb after Wednesday pickup. I called Monday and was told to put items on curb for regular pick up day. I called again Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. N
  • Street Signs Archived
    Fairfield And Coventry Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Need for a no parking sign within the wide intersection of Fairfield and Coventry. A vehicle parked within one car length in front of stop sign completely blocked view of the oncoming traffic. When moving forward and fully stopping to see the intersection I was ticketed and paid an unnecessary $200 fine because of a large white pickup I could not possibly see around! Please place signage to create a clear line of sight. Thank you. For less than my one ticket a sign could be installed and safety increased at this intersection. Response appreciated.
  • Coventry And Fairfield Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Painted line on road at stop sign is very faded. Please reapply visible paint to avoid unnecessary traffic violations. Please assess location of stop sign coming UP the hill west on Coventry consider placing stop at the apex of the hill to allow visibility of the intersection, which is currently ocluded.
  • 221 Missionary Dr Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    We have a dying dogwood tree on the front of our property. My husband has called twice to request that it be removed and replaced by a similar tree. Is this possible?