
  • 50 Canton St Alpharetta GA 30009, United States - Alpharetta
    The three street lamps between Fermented and Kale Me Crazy only stay on for a few minutes and then go out. They all go out and come back on at different times. (These are all on the shop side of the street). oi
  • Traffic Issue Arquivado
    20 N Main St Alpharetta 30009, United States - Alpharetta
    Saturday night 1/4/20 6:30 pm multiple cars failed to stop at red light when turning right off Hwy 9 onto Milton Ave. 3 couples including myself were almost hit by vehicles not obeying the stop light and rolling thru the cross walk on 3 different occasions. Could the city/ADPS look into addressing the safety issues before someone is seriously injured or killed?
  • Park Issue Arquivado
    2 Park Plz Alpharetta 30009, United States - Alpharetta
    Frozen A/C units at Alpharetta Community Center. Pretty shouldn’t be like that.
  • Sidewalk Issue Arquivado
    79 Webb Bridge Rd Alpharetta 30009, United States - Alpharetta
    There is a pretty big hole next to the Marta bus stop sign on academy street next to the sidewalk. Could someone fill it in. It’s been like this for a while.