
  • Illegal Dumping Arquivada
    5924 Kansas St Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    Truck 44517 has once again gone to great lengths to show he's fully committed to only doing half of his job. Looks like his boss told him to come back by and clean up his mess, which he partially did. I yelled at him to stop before he drove off, but he drove off anyway. He's fully aware he didn't pick up all of his mess, as I watched him choose what to pick up and what to leave.
  • Illegal Dumping Arquivada
    5924 Kansas St Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    Careless/lazy/incompetent garbage truck driver (truck 44517) knocked a full can of trash into the ditch, made eye contact with me, then drive off quickly. He knows what he did, and is trying to make it somebody else's problem. If we throw trash in the ditch it's littering and we can be issued a ticket. If he does it and drives off he gets to keep his job and be paid with our tax dollars. He's this careless every week, but was caught in the act today.
  • Water Meter Arquivada
    5924 Kansas St Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
  • Traffic Signs Arquivada
    5847 Kansas St Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    The sign is laying in the ditch.
  • Drainage Arquivada
    5912 Kansas Street Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    The city recently came through and dug out the ditches on Kansas Street to clear them from a build up of debris. That was three days ago. After a full day of rain there is already several inches of debris built up. This debris comes from the crushed rock the residents of 5930-5940 Kansas Street put down to park on along Kansas. Other addresses on this street are also responsible. Putting down this much unsecured material is irresponsible, and is causing draining problems for everyone downstream of these addresses. My tax dollars shouldn't be spent cleaning up after these people, and the ditch in front of my house shouldn't be full of their poor decisions.
  • 5909 Kansas Street Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    5909 Kansas St is supposed to be a business, but there are no less than four people living there, including an infant that just moved in with its pothead parents. There is a group of people that sit outside this address daily drinking and urinating on the side of their establishment, and the house next door to it. There is an abundance of litter in their driveway that is blown into the street by wind, and flushed down the street when it rains. Drunk drivers leave from here daily. The drug use has been reported to the police, but it seems they are too busy to bother with it. With the amount of money the city takes from this neighborhood in taxes, when can we expect some help from the city to clean this problem up?
  • Drainage Arquivada
    5908 Kansas Street Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    The owner of this property refuses to maintain the drainage ditch. This is causing her section of the ditch to overflow making this section of Kansas more flooded than it should be.
  • Drainage Arquivada
    5908 Kansas Street Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    The owner of this property refuses to maintain her ditch and its causing flooding issues on Kansas St.
  • Other Arquivada
    5916-5918 Kansas Street Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    Another example of the trash collector doing a substandard job, and leaving it in the street for local taxpayers to admire.
  • 5916-5918 Kansas Street Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    Not sure if this is illegal dumping, or littering, but the trash collector on this route has managed to leave another mess behind.
  • 5912 Kansas Street Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    Just wanted to take this opportunity to thank our garbage men for another job well done. The pride they take in their work is very apparent.
  • Other Arquivada
    5942 Kansas Street Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    There are several if these horrible looking monkeys spray painted around the neighborhood.
  • 5931-5935 Kansas Street Houston, Texas - Greater Heights
    This silver BMW has been sitting here for over a year, hasn't renewed the registration since January of 2013, or had it inspected since May of 2011. The city even marked the tires on 9/13/13 the last time anyone paid attention to it, and the markings are still on the tire. This car hasn't moved since. Parking is limited on this street and this car needs to go.
  • 5908 Kansas Street Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights
    Stray cat & record setting weeds breeding ground. The owner of this vacant home intentionally leaves food out for wild animals and has weeds growing taller than our fence. It's a breeding ground for Mosquitos, fleas, and who knows what other undesirable creatures. The power lines are covered in weeds that have gone in to cover the front of the home. It's disgusting, bad for the neighborhood, and is a potential public health hazard.
  • Other Arquivada
    5927 Kansas Street Houston, TX 77007, USA - Greater Heights