City Point, New Haven, Connecticut

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Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2009-09-25

The original 19th century City Point neighborhood, bounded by Hallock, Greenwich, Lamberton & South Water. Visit for more info.

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • speeding Archived
    Greenwich Avenue New Haven, CT 06511, USA - City Point
    Another accident last night, car going 60 mph or higher! Why don't the police hide on 4th street with a speed trap? The mayor would be able to pay for the christmas tree! Cars constanly racing from stop sign at 2nd to 5th, and vice versa - it's nice out and it will be a tragedy for a child to get hurt/killed!
  • Greenwich Ave & Howard Ave. New Haven, CT 06519 - City Point
    now that school is out, kids are constantly riding up and down
    howard and Greenwich on gocarts, dirt bikes, all-terrain vehicles, etc. The noise is deafening. Why is this allowed?
  • 310 Howard Ave New Haven, CT 06519 - City Point
    resolution2012. The new trash toters were introduced with attached flyer explaining that the large blue toters are now for recyclables only. The fliers ended up all over the street and many residents (especially in large multi-family buildings) are using both large & small toters for trash. City needs a much more aggressive education program re. proper use of toters--followed by aggressive fining for non-compliance (yet another way to lower our taxes while socking it to those who are trashing our neighborhoods...).
  • South Water St And Sea Street New Haven, CT - City Point

    There has been excessive drug dealing on Sea Street and South Water St, (often done behind the Sound School buildings, dumpsters, etc.) Many residents have observed this on various nights and have called police with car descriptions (and eventually a license plate number, see the SeeClixFix issue entitled "NHPD Dispatch Refuse to Dispatch Officers" for more on this).
    On one night that an officer did respond, he told the resident that called it in that there is nothing he can do "unless the Sound School posts a 'No Trespassing' sign, since it is public property." I am told that the officer then left without getting out of his car.

    While I find this assertion hard to believe, I'd like to request that the city or the school posts appropriate "No Trespassing" signs so that the residents who live here might receive a better police response.

  • South Water Street New Haven, CT - City Point

    Residents of the City Point neighborhood have noticed an increase in drug dealing and other illegal activity in our neighborhood. At least 3 calls have been made to police regarding this activity which has always involved one specific car. An alert resident finally was able to get the license plate of this particular car and called it into police. The person who answered at dispatch asked what the block watch number for our neighborhood is. The caller did not know. The dispatcher said that without that number, she could not send an officer out. She did NOT send an officer out.

    This is concerning to me--and should be concerning to every New Haven resident. Can someone from the police department please clarify for me that officers will not be sent out--even if the activity is IN PROGRESS-- unless the caller has a block watch number? ( I'd also like clarification as to whether block watch numbers are even used to track calls and allocate officers anymore. I had been told that they were not. In fact, when I have called the police before to report a car break in, the dispatcher would NOT take the block watch number.) I think its important that residents AND dispatchers are made clear on these guidelines.

  • 299 Greenwich Ave New Haven, CT 06519, USA - City Point
    I was awakened to the sounds of motorcycles, cars, music, screaming ------- AGAIN!
  • drugs Archived
    299 Greenwich Ave New Haven, CT 06511, USA - City Point
    all night long cars blowing kids 4 of them selling drugs in and out the house at 2 00 all on phones taking orders the buyer pulls up and they are served on3rd street or in front of the house.Where are the cops?
  • GUNS/firearms Archived
    382 Greenwich Ave. New Haven, CT 06519, USA - City Point
    April 10 a clip was emptied along side 382 Greenwich [reference address = 91 Second]; Wed. Aug. 3 automatic weapons were fired in front of 158 Howard; shortly after midnight Sunday Aug 7, 2011 a clip from a high-powered weapon was sprayed across the side of a vehicle parked in front of 382 Greenwich Ave--an increasingly problematic property. This has been happening all over the city for far too long. Based on what I saw at 382 Greenwich early this morning, it would seem that these gunshots are not random--and that the criminals have much more powerful, more sophisticated weaponry than the police. The following data is disturbing: (My apologies for posting this shortly before the city's Democratic primary...)
  • 100 South Water Street New Haven, Connecticut - City Point
    The sidewalk is decimated, railings are totally destroyed and hanging on by a few screws. This is a hazard and should be addressed right away, This area has been destroyed for months it looks like a Syrian war zone.
  • 99 Greenwich Ave New Haven, CT - City Point
    99 Greenwich Ave has been producing some of the same problems as 76 Howard Ave: noise and disrupting neighbors, public urination, parked cars (with people hanging out inside) that block other people's driveways, dumping garbage out of the cars into the street, sidewalk, neighbors lawns, etc. Can something be done?!
  • 190 Greenwich Ave New Haven, CT 06519, USA - City Point
    There are 3 unregistered vehicles in the rear & side of this property. Only one is permitted. Also the yard is full of trash and rodents.
    I know this property has a reputation as being "un-fixable"--but it's now time to fix it. If the owners refuse to do so, LCI needs to do it & put a lien on this property. Residents here are paying outrageous property taxes--now even more so, thanks to our mayor & board of aldermen. Therefore, this is a MINIMAL service that we expect for our tax dollars.
  • 110 S Water St New Haven, Connecticut - City Point
    Public walkway not maintained. Tree debris and damage from hurricane two years ago. Public access to water not being maintained by Harbour Landing Condominiums.