Open Issues: 1,942
Closed Issues: 128,692
Acknowledged Issues: 4,791
Watching issues created after: 2016-01-29
Captain T
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Bike/Bus Lane Violation Archived769 7th St Nw Washington, DC 20001 - DowntownAlong 7th Street, between Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Avenues, there is a dediated bus/bike lane that is routinely used by vehicles. Constant swerving in and out of this lane creates a serious hazard for cyclists and impedes bus traffic to the point where the buses sit in a traffic jam.
Alley Cleaning Archived500 H Street Northwest Washington, DC 20001, USA - DowntownAlley is disgusting between the restaurants dumping vegetable oil, trash trucks no ones cleaning it and drain is clogged
650 Rhode Island Ave. Nw Washington, DC - ShawThe westbound bike lane on R St. does not continue through the intersection at Rhode Island Ave. (as it does at other dangerous intersections like Connecticut and R). Painting the bike lane through the intersection would improve safety for both drivers and cyclists as it would indicate where each vehicle is obligated to drive. This improvement has been made elsewhere in the city and it makes a huge difference for separating bicycles and cars in dangerous intersections. Thank you!
15563 U St Nw Washington, DC 20009 - Adams MorganPedestrians crossing U Street along as they walk along Florida (to the east) are faced with an incredibly dangerous crossing. Even with a walk sign cars zoom over the crosswalk as they turn right off of 18t street on to U street eastbound.
124 R St Nw Washington, DC - KaloramaI know of four people (myself included) who have been hit by cars at the intersection of Florida and R. DDOT came and inspected the intersection (last December) and their representatives all agreed that a light needed to be placed there. What did they do? They put up another cross walk sign 4 months later, only after another person was struck by a car. What does it take? A fatality? Anyone in Bloomingdale can vouch for the horror that is the intersection at R and Florida.
Rats Increasing in Number Archived1600 Block Harvard/Hobart Alley Washington, DC 20009 - Mount Vernon Triangle
Our area overrun by rats. Scofflaw Supercan and Recycling Can storage on public space in 1600 block Harvard/Hobart NW alley after day of pickup; many Supercans lack lids or have rat chew holes; improper bulk trash handling; rats' nests in back yards; no rat abatement by homeowners or enforcement by DC gov. What happened to Clean City Initiative and War on Rats?
Take care of this public health menace.
Sign New Investigation Archived1001-1003 8th St Ne Washington Dc 20002 USA - Capitol HillPlease review intersection and install stop signs on 8th St NE at West Virginia Ave NE
8300 Colesville Rd. Silver Spring 20910 - DowntownThere are almost daily car accidents on the traffic circle where 16th St., Colesville Rd. and Eastern ave meet. The circle is divided by the border between DC and Silver Spring, MD (Mont Co). A pedestrian was killed a few months ago, the "welcome to DC" sign was demolished, cars are getting t-boned, i've seen a mini van with children in it flip on its side after being struck. The lanes are poorly marked. At least one traffic light (on eastern) is totally obscured by a tree. Drivers cannot see each other due to the bushes/flowers/trees that obscure their view of the other streets/lanes. It seems maybe once a year some group sits on the corner and records accidents and traffic light signals for a day or two to report back to ____?...but nothing has come of it. The signals and lack of signage and unclear lanes have resulted in numerous accidents, injuries and death. My neighbors and i would like this problem addressed and fixed! we would like statistics and the number of accidents /police/firetruck/ambulances that have occurred at this circle. i have more photos...
Tree Removal Archived1507-1599 Potomac Avenue Southeast Washington, DC 20003, USA - Stadium-ArmoryThree thorny tree (Chinese bitter orange). Invasive and has enormous thorns. Please remove.
Park Rd And Klingle Rd Nw Washington, DC - Mount PleasantDrivers going west on Park Rd routinely run the red right-turn arrow to turn right onto Park. They seem to think the green light for going straight onto Klingle applies to them, not noticing the red right-turn arrow. It is dangerous for pedestrians crossing Park on the north side. Could we get improved signage or some traffic-calming measure here?
Street Repair Archived11th & F St Nw Washington, DC - DowntownFour steel plates have covered 11th street south of F Street for over a year...when will the road be repaired and patched?
Safe Routes to School Acknowledged701 Kentucky Avenue Southeast Washington, District of Columbia - Stadium-ArmoryVehicles traveling east on Potomac Ave SE continually run the red light at Kentucky Ave SE. Often 2 or 3 cars will go through the light after it has already turned red. Unsafe for pedestrians walking north and south on Kentucky Ave SE, and for cars heading north on Kentucky Ave once the light turns green. This is a particular problem during the morning and afternoon/evening rush hours.