
Open Issues: 2 Closed Issues: 854 Acknowledged Issues: 29
Watching issues created after: 2016-11-29

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  • 2601 Landing Way Palm Harbor, Florida - Palm Harbor
    Sidewalks throughout community of Cobbs Landing in Unincorporated Pinellas County: This community is located off of Alderman where main entrances are Shoreline & Woodridge. There is also a side entrance off of Lakepointe Rd. Multiple areas throughout have sidewalk sections that are raised. Many are more than an inch in depth. We have had 3 falls lately that have come to light due to injury. Residents have placed pictures of those injuries on our FB page and plan to call the County very soon. Can your team come out to evaluate? Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss a date for your evaluation. (I did contact the County previously prior to Irma and am in need of following up. Thank you!
  • 3325 Haviland Ct Palm Harbor 34684, United States - Palm Harbor
    One of the entrances to Cobbs Landing is Woodridge Parkway. This entrance is off of Alderman Road. Across Alderman from this entrance is Carwise Middle School. The attached photo shows non-resident parents parking in the Cobbs Landing subdivision. This is becoming dangerous for the community. We need no parking signage ASAP.
  • 1415 8th St Palm Harbor, FL, 34683, USA - Palm Harbor
    This entire street, end to end, is unsafe for children. I have witnessed several very close calls by the park and ball fields. 8th is used as a cut through by people who don’t live here and cars speed from one end to the other.
    We need speed bumps especially where children are in the street (ball fields and playground).
  • 2484–2498 Beacon Groves Blvd Palm Harbor 34683, United States - Palm Harbor
    Large inoperable RV parked near stop sign. This is also obstructing the pedestrian sidewalk.
  • 1702 8th St Palm Harbor, FL, 34683, USA - Palm Harbor

    I have called the county 5 times over the past 3 years about traffic issues on Missouri Avenue/ 8th Street. One time, there were kids drag racing after school, cameras were installed. After that, "Stay in Lane" words were painted on 8th and Missouri- these are completely in effective and SPEEDING is a constant problem. There are over 30 kids living in a 1 mile radius of this intersection and not to mention the constant traffic from the ball park and covered court. I love living is this area, but a kid is going to die.

    Last night 4 kids/adults were drag racing again. Making laps around missouri-8th-alt 19 and back to missouri for an extended amount of time. This ended in the drunk driver WRAPPING his car around a tree on Sutherland Ave/Missouri and a fight broke out. 1 AM. If speed bumps are not the answer and "Stay In Lane" signs are completely ineffective, what are the next steps to make this area safe for our community. I know that this has been an ongoing reported problem and I believe it's become negligence issue.

  • Road Issue Archived
    2359 Village At Bentley Park Palm Harbor, FL, 34684, USA - Palm Harbor
    A traffic study is definitely due in the Bentley Park neighborhood. While cars are not permitted to park on the road during school pickup/dropoff hours, the cars tend to park just past the signs or ignore them completely around the curve that runs through the Villas of Bentley Park. This creates a horrible traffic backup when the school lets out as well as creates a dangerous situation regarding traffic flow overall at all times.
    People simply ignore the no parking signs or think they're slick and park a foot in front of the signs. :(
  • 130 Tendring Ct Palm Harbor, FL - Palm Harbor
    Last seven words cut from your web page. ...must not be parked on lawn.
  • 2421-2499 Beacon Groves Boulevard Palm Harbor, Florida - Palm Harbor
    Large semi illegally parked on county property
  • 4985 Palm Harbor Boulevard Palm Harbor, Florida - Palm Harbor
    Please evaluate the duration of the light on Alt 19 heading north at the Klosterman intersection. We have back ups all the way to Alderman in the afternoon rush hour. It appears the light duration to go east or west on Klosterman is much longer than it used to be causing extreme back ups.
  • Beacon Groves Blvd Palm Harbor, FL - Palm Harbor
    Semi parked multiple days a week on side of road at main entrance. When we called non-emergency line, were told he is a resident and there are no “no parking”signs so the police won’t do anything about it. Would like it gone and to know how I can have it towed. “Melton Truck Lines” license plate 3479LD
  • 2484–2498 Beacon Groves Blvd Palm Harbor 34683, United States - Palm Harbor
    Giant tan brown rv parked on easement cables n hoses strung all over near community entrance
  • 57 Cypress Dr Palm Harbor 34684, United States - Palm Harbor
    2nd occasion where truck was parked on street and ambulance parked adjacent to truck to answer an emergency call.
    Inbound and outbound traffic both blocked for excessive time causing backups in both directions. Knocked on 57 cypress drive door and despite many vehicles parked at property there was nobody answering the door.
    If there had been an emergency needing exiting from the neighborhood, this total lack of courtesy could have potentially been life threatening.
    There have been many prior attempts via reports and communication to have this resident refrain from parking in the street