
Open Issues: 32 Closed Issues: 159 Acknowledged Issues: 18
Watching issues created after: 2018-01-21


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  • 58 Marlborough St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    In front of the Marlboro Market there is a "No Parking" sign, yet very few patrons of the store obey it. There is usually a vehicle parked in front of the store, at any given time the store is open, making it very difficult to drive by. Just ask the Chelsea Fire Department how many times they got blocked from driving up the street during an emergency call because of a patrons' vehicles parked in front of the Marlboro Market. This has been going on for years and will most likely never stop, unless there is a camera that gives automatic parking tickets is installed there. Something really needs to be done about this problem. Thank you.
  • 34 6th Street Chelsea, Massachusetts - Chelsea
    Poor sidewalk conditions i feel bad for elderly and disabled sixth and walnut street
  • 169 Broadway Chelsea, MA - Chelsea
    I walk my dog around Chelsea square and have been noticing an increase of beer bottles scattered around the square RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. It tells me the people are buying from the liquor store across the street and drinking right there. Any policing around?
  • 11 Clark Ave Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea
    This First Call van started parking here this week, overnight, taking up two or more spots. There is no Chelsea parking permit or temp permit inside. Parking has not ticketed it at all. Please come ticker or tow this van. Our street lost a couple spots when the street work was finished and this van is taking up spots the neighborhood needs. Thank you.
  • 297 Broadway Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Please fix the bricks in front of 297 Broadway Chelsea mass near the tree pit. Elderly and disabled people are getting hurt
  • 44 Ellsworth St Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea
    The famous white Toyota RAV4 is back on partially in the active Chelsea roadway of Ellsworth Street (between Essex and and Hawthorne Court Street. Car was ticketed several times last year and currently has been parked here for 36 hours and blocking 25% of Ellsworth Street. I called Chelsea Parking hotline 3 times today and no one has answered the phone. Any idea what’s going on City Hall?
  • 215 Spencer Avenue Chelsea, Massachusetts - Chelsea
    For the past couple of years there has been an ongoing problem with the owner(s) of a large dog(s) not picking up and disposing of the dog excrement. The abundance of it is on the grassy area right next to Spencer Row. Chelsea DPW kindly installed a dog waste station to no avail. Perhaps the animal control officer should try to catch the offender(s) during off hours?
  • 18 Central Ave Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    16, 18 central Avenue Chelsea mass this property owners have a mess with their trash inside and outside the dumpster even on the sidewalk can someone talk to this people and also give them a ticket or something because it's a mess what a disgrace it's that's why we rats all over the city.
  • 181 Broadway Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Please inform Chelsea Liquor Mart that trucks making deliveries to them are NOT to park and unload in the drive lane in front of their store - this impedes traffic, and is potentially dangerous. Not to mention obnoxious, particularly when there was available parking. I did ask the clerk to tell the driver to move; she looked at me as though I'd grown a second head. I told the driver he needed to move, and he said 'Not going to happen.' I went across to the police station to ask that they handle the situation and was told 'Sure, we'll send a car around.' Even though this was happening right across the street. The Liquor Mart regularly ignores the new business delivery parking regulations, and nothing is being done about it.
  • 107 Highland St Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    I have owned my house for 25 Years in Chelsea I have repeatedly asked I vote and spoken to city Hall officials about the same problem no one helps me very sad the problem is speeding down my street all I need a simple sign that says no speeding children elderly hándicap street Please for the love of God 25 of asking and begging has got to be enough
  • 109 Shurtleff St Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    37, 35 33, central Avenue chelsea they have not cleaned the sidewalk are we going to send this property owners a fine and also talk to them about cleaning the the sidewalk .
  • 2–98 Eldridge Pl Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Black Dodge Ram pick up truck. Illegally parked for months. No Registration, Inspection or Chelsea stickers,... and yet No tickets,towing or action by city/police!! Tow this truck!! This was reported weeks ago here and directly to police. No action!! License # REV13- Miami FLA, last registration 12/18!