City of Seaford, DE PLUS

Offene Fälle: 8 Geschlossene Fälle: 135 Anerkannte Fälle: 11
  • OtherAnerkannt
    School Ln Seaford 19973, United States - Seaford
    Can we get some police enforcement for excessive speeds on school lane? Day after day people are speeding down this road and someone is going to get hit. All it’s gonna take is police sitting on state street or linden and write a few tickets and people will slow down. I’ve been here 3 years and have not witnessed one car pulled over on school lane.
  • 214 N Market St Seaford, DE, 19973, USA - Seaford
    Mr. Corey Morris has been running facebook marketplace scams, taking money from buyers and then blocking the payer, I am one of his victims and he has blocked me so I cannot go any further myself. He has many family members in Seaford. I need to file a complaint with you in order to apply for reimbursement from Paypal. Can you please help me? My name is Alex Macias, I can be reached at 850-329-0427 or email Thank you.
  • E Locust St & N Pine St Seaford, DE, 19973, USA - Seaford
    The corner is atrocious with the display of consuming alcohol, piles of garbage all over the yard, cars parked on the sidewalk, loud music, and they even closed the corner off a few weeks ago to party. That corner is a true disgrace. I certainly hope that someone in the appropriate department visits the site and make them clean it up, that will or probably has drawn rodents.
    I look forward to having our neighborhood back.