Traffic PLUS
Open Issues: 32
Closed Issues: 4,076
Acknowledged Issues: 954
Pedestrian Safety Study RequestAcknowledged2nd St & Brunswick St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - DowntownCars consistently run this stop sign in both directions, it's incredibly dangerous in the morning for pedestrians.
Pedestrian Safety RequestAcknowledgedBay St & Greene St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - The WaterfrontPedestrian safety hazard- Drivers don't stop for pedestrians at this intersection that has a pedestrian cross signal. Drivers do not abide, continue to speed, and are very aggressive. We feel unsafe. Please monitor and install something to make this corridor safer.
Speed Hump RequestAcknowledgedFranklin St & Sherman Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The HeightsPlease add a speed bump on Franklin between Webster and Sherman Avenue. As the stop sign there is not being obeyed, and that is a block away from an elementary school
Pedestrian Safety Study RequestAcknowledgedHutton St & Sherman Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The HeightsThis is the corner of a school and car continue to run the stop sign, or back up into a closed street (closed on the side of Franklin because of the school) . I have personally almost been hit with my child 4 times this year. This morning the woman didnt even stop we ran out of the way.
This is insane and has only become more of the norm here. -
SuggestionAcknowledgedFranklin St & Hancock Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The HeightsMultiple cars are parked in the crosswalk or in the no parking area of said address making it difficult to see crossing pedestrians. Can they possible install the traffic sticks so no one parks there to obstruct the view
Signal, Signage, and Striping MaintenanceAcknowledgedCommunipaw Ave & Mallory Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Lincoln ParkThe corner traffic light should have a left turn arrow first for people turning onto Mallory. The only way to get through a traffic light there when busy is to go through a red light.
Pedestrian Safety RequestAcknowledged523-527 Washington Blvd Jersey City, New Jersey, 07310 - The Waterfront
Request for bollards to separate the road from the bike lane/sidewalk at Washington Blvd in front of Chipotle.
There is a constant presence of vehicles stopped or parked in the crosswalk/bike lane here. This is dangerous as it forces bikes into the street or the sidewalk, reduces visibility of pedestrians for cars, and increases points of conflict for cars, pedestrians, and bikes.
There should be a physical barrier to prevent these cars from parking here while still allowing pedestrians through, since there doesn't seem to be any enforcement of parking rules here.
Traffic/Pedestrian Safety Study RequestsAcknowledgedBleecker St & John F Kennedy Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
Bleecker St (Western Slope-Jersey City Heights)
Intersections:Nelson Ave,Columbia Ave,Liberty Ave,and Terrace AveSince Bleecker St doesn't qualify for all way stop signs.
Pedestrian Safety Study RequestAcknowledgedBroadway & Tonnele Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal SquareCan the city remove the turning lane here and widen the sidewalks and add parking? It is impossible to safely use a sidewalk on this street because it is so narrow and lots of cars are parked on the sidewalk. everyone is always complaining about parking. get rid of the turning lane. It’s dangerous for pedestrians anyway. I noticed this frequently on Journal Square that the sidewalks are super narrow and there’s a turning lane. It seems like we are prioritizing cars over the safety of pedestrians in this entire ward. Sidewalks aren't wide enough for two people to pass each other without one walking into the street.
Traffic Signal MaintenanceAcknowledged10th St & Marin Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - DowntownThe ped walk here is ignored completely. Need to have the flashing ped walk indicator like there is on 6th now
Pedestrian Safety RequestAcknowledged2 Journal Square Plaza Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal SquareThis is a request for this parking garage for their entrance on cottage as well as the entrance on JFK. The main image is for the entrance on cottage. The curb cut extends from well past the first white car all the way to where the second white car is parked. There is no indication (paint or signs) cars parked right up to the driveway entrance and vehicles entering the lot on cottage drive at an extremely high rate of speed, turning onto the sidewalk without being able to see if pedestrians are using the sidewalk. On JFK the entrance and exit for the garage is incredibly wid and visually incorporated into the sidewalk. The exit behind pedestrians waiting to cross to the path station is in line with the red bumps for the crosswalk. I can not tell you how many close calls I have seen with drivers speeding to make the light here. I appreciate that it may not be feasible to ask the garage to narrow but as the city looks to update Cottage Ave something including paint and signs and maybe speed bumps on the immediate approach to the driveway would be helpful This may seem like a quiet dead end street but it is not because cars and pedestrians all use Herbert place as a cut through and it's very busy. Thank you.b.e
Pedestrian Safety RequestAcknowledgedPershing Plz Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - The HeightsThe street between the park and reservoir (howie fink way) should be closed to cars. It is one way, next to the playground and cars are very close to the playing children, often speeding. Please close this road to cars or at least install speed bumps.