Cambridge, MA PLUS

Offene Fälle: 857 Geschlossene Fälle: 122.988 Anerkannte Fälle: 1.717
  • 70 Spring Street Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02141 - East Cambridge
    Hi, we'd like to request a bike rack so we can safely park our bikes – as we don't have room inside the property.
  • 28 Ellsworth Ave Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA - Mid-Cambridge
    There is a serious lack of bike parking on this street, which makes it more difficult and complicated for me and my roommates to bike as our primary mode of transportation. I wrote in to request a bike rack 14 months ago, and the city said the sidewalk was too narrow but that they would install more bike racks across the street. These racks were never installed which is why I'm filing a second request. Furthermore, I want to again request bike racks on our side of the street, not just across the street. The bike racks would not make the sidewalk any more narrow than the street trees and tree roots already do.
  • 1206 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge 02138 United States - Riverside
    No bike racks in sight on this stretch of Mass Ave approaching Harvard Square. Would be great to see some on this but of sidewalk - bikes pictures here are locked to sign posts and parking meters. Thanks for looking into this location.
  • 1613 Cambridge St Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA - Mid-Cambridge
    Would it be possible to add more bike racks in this location? Lots of great places to shop and it could use more bike parking!
  • 450 Concord Ave Cambridge 02138, United States - West Cambridge
    Voted this morning. The location had ample parking for cars, but zero bike parking. What’s up with that?
  • 14 Cambridge St Cambridge, MA 02138, USA - Mid-Cambridge
    The racks are completely full on Saturday mornings, but theres a bunch of former parking meters that would be perfect for bikes. Let's continue to promote family biking!
  • 213 Hurley St Cambridge 02141, United States - East Cambridge
  • 360 Huron Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138 - West Cambridge
    Add a bike rack here, apart from though useful for the grocery store, but not conflicting with other uses or other meaningful commentators.
  • OtherAnerkannt
    1 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142, USA - Mit
    Insufficient bike parking. Racks near main st completely full. On street corral would easily convert a single parking space to room for plenty more bikes.
  • 106 Sciarappa St Cambridge 02141, United States - East Cambridge
  • Craigie Cir & Craigie St Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA - West Cambridge
  • 327 Hurley St Cambridge 02141, United States - East Cambridge
    This block could use an additional bike rack.