
  • Crosswalk Needs Repainting Αναγνωρισμένο
    Mystic River Reservation Bike Path Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    THere is no crosswalk from the corner of Manning to the path along the river that leads to Rt 16. The one that was here was not repainted instead there is a new one in the middle of the block.
    NO ONE crosses the street here. That crosswalk should be removed and the one at the corner of Manning should be repainted.
  • 204 Winthrop Street Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    The bridge over the Mystic on Winthrop street on the Community Garden side has not been shoveled. My son and other kids walk to the high school. It is not safe to walk in the street or cross over to the other side here. In fact, I don't think the sidewalk on the other side of the bridge (near the ball field) has been shoveled either.
    This is a continual issue every year. AND it is a matter of safety for our children!
    I feel I must escalate the issue if it is not taken care of ASAP.
  • Pothole Archived
    85 Winthrop Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    This is a very wide and very deep pothole that is dangerous to both cars and bicyclists. I would rate this pothole as urgently needing filling.
  • Pothole Archived
    77-81 Winthrop Street Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    This is a huge pothole that is dangerous to cars and especially dangerous to bicyclists
  • Pothole Archived
    10 Manning St Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    Going around this pothole is not always possible if cars are parked on the side of the street.
  • Pothole Archived
    515 Winthrop Street Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    There are multiple potholes in the parking area that one has to drive through after dropping off kids at the west courtyard entrance, etc. They are of varying sizes but the largest ones are at the exit of the lot onto the main drive for the school.
  • Pothole Archived
    33 Touro Avenue Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    This is a continually opening pothole. It is located at the end of a patch around a manhole cover. It opens up and becomes pretty deep on a regular basis. It is located right where the right tires would go when cars are parked on both sides of the street. This hole has been filled numerous times. A more permanent solution should be applied rather than just filling the hole with blacktop. It will only open again next year.