
Open Issues: 855 Closed Issues: 12,595 Acknowledged Issues: 735
Watching issues created after: 2021-08-06

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  • 135 College St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    There are tents & people camping in city hall park. They are hanging laundry from the trees which damaged young branches. This behavior impacts other users & keeps them from enjoying the park. Please have them remove all tarps & laundry so there's may enjoy the park too.
  • 99 Saint Louis St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Sidewalk not passable if in a wheelchair
  • 26 S Union St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric

    Issue 7942999 requested the replacement of protected bollards on N Union St. The issue was closed when some bollards were re-installed, but there are not enough protective bollards in place to provide a protected bike lane.

    The stretch between College St and Pearl street has a total of *six* bollards for a distance of nearly a quarter mile. Bollards are missing in other important places like intersections where conflicts are most likely.

    This is currently the city's only protected bike lane. Please maintain it properly for cyclists' safety and stress level. Thank you.

  • Other Archived
    48 Sears Ln Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Two story house being built with no permit
  • 68 Pearl St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Furniture dumped in side yard and at rear of old Bove's building. Please have the property owner address this chronic issue.
  • Other Archived
    51 Park St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    I am an avid biker and bike lane supporter, and I am very confused by this new lane marking on Sherman st. Could someone from DPW please explain how one would safely navigate on a bike from heading east within these markings?
    I also want to note that there is plenty of space here to add protective bollards on the westbound bike lane.
    thank you.
  • 101 Cherry St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    This trash has been here for over 2 weeks. Is there a reason the city is leaving it here?
  • 281 Pearl St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Service station tagged
  • 368 Main St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Reported previously. Furniture goes in the Kappa Sigma fraternity house and comes out for parties. Fire hazard
  • St Paul St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Pile of trash under the bell tower has increased in size and is disgraceful for visitors and residents using the bus system to view. Reported this before and nothing was done to clean up the area.
  • Buell St & S Willard St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Street sign sawed down by students. The City is basically in a state of anarchy after dark...
  • 266 Main St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    New graffiti this weekend on the West side of this building.