Bushnell Park

Vấn đề Mở: 2 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 106 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 28
Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2010-10-12

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • 50-60 Trumbull St Hartford, CT - Downtown
    This is pretty much THE pedestrian gateway between the CBD and Bushnell Park. Like other heavily walked intersections in the city, this one needs an "ALL WALK" in the rotation. Instead you get stuck on a median!
    I tried emailing Raj Mathur in the Engineering Department regarding this matter directly, but got no response so re opening.
  • 60 Elm St Hartford, CT 06103, USA - Downtown
    Need "stop for pedestrians" signs in crosswalks aroun Pulaski Circle, specifically on elm and Hudson. People coming off the circle treat those roads like runways and there are often people with children and dogs crossing to and from bushnell park
  • Bushnell Park Hartford, CT - Downtown
    There is black graffiti on the art installation that is in the pond
  • 59 69 Jewell St Hartford, CT 06106, USA - Downtown

    As much as I might believe that tetanus helps children build character, I'm pretty sure that 4 out of 5 mothers would disagree with me.

    There is a rather large, sharp, pointy, rusted out piece of equipment on the playground in Bushnell Park next to the carousel. Can we get this either repaired or covered? If not for the kiddies, at least so that the City does not end up getting sued. My taxes are high enough, thanks.

  • Exit Off 91n Into Pulaski Circle Hartford Ct - Downtown
    Graffitti on bridges as you enter the city. Also for the past 6 years there's been an unsightly pile of roofing material under the underpass. Time to make those respinsible finish the work or remove the materials. Looks terrible
    Reported from my mobile device
  • Parks Acknowledged
    63-69 Jewell Street Hartford, CT 06103, USA - Downtown
    Bumpy and torn, almost unusable. Tripping hazard. (Now would be a good time to refresh the whole playground). I have additional pics.
  • 113-177 Wells Street Hartford, CT 06103, USA - Downtown
    Walk sign doesn't light up. (Walk button and Don't Walk sign both work)
  • Traffic Lights Acknowledged
    6045 Jewell Street Hartford, Connecticut - Downtown
    I understand that there's construction going on here, so it won't be perfect. However, something needs to be done about the cars on Jewell going through the intersection on red lights. It's not a right on red, it's a straight on red and I'm pretty sure the whole point of red lights is not to do that. The intersection is difficult enough without cars going through the light trying to run you over when you're exiting the park. Maybe a sign that instructs people to stop? A no turn on red sign? I don't totally know the solution, but I'm also not the traffic engineer who ok'd this death trap.
  • 59-61 Jewell Street Hartford, Connecticut - Downtown

    Nobody is supposed to be parking on the lawn, but it is still happening during events.

    We have ample lot and street parking in Hartford. No reason for this. Is there anyone in DPW who can remind motorists during events that cars belong on asphalt?

  • Asylum St & Capitol Ave Hartford, CT - Downtown
    Sidewalk between Union Station and LOB (along the AMTRAK rail line) is very degraded at junction behind pavilion making it difficult to negotiate turn when riding bicycle.
  • Parks Archived
    2-58 Jewell Street Hartford, CT 06103, USA - Downtown
    There is trash in ponds at Bushmell Park. It's quite disgusting. And there are weeds growing in it. Quite ugly for our crown jewel park!
  • 1 57 Jewell St Hartford, CT - Downtown
    Once again, the pond is nasty with litter and leaves. Even some kids on a field trip commented that it was dirty.