Malden PLUS
Open Issues: 5
Closed Issues: 20,047
Acknowledged Issues: 32
Watching issues created after: 2013-08-28
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Speeding T buses and others ArchivedSavin Street Malden, MA - Malden Ward 3Savin Street from Fellsway East to The Malden Hospital has only one speed limit sign on the incline and none on the decline. The street has many blind driveways and curves making it difficult to gauge on coming traffic from all directions. Can we post more speed limit signs and slow the lower the speed threshold. Currently it is posted at 30 mph. The Fellsway itself is 25 mph and that is a two lane divided road with very few blind spots. It only makes sense that we slow the traffic, post it better and ensure equal amount of enforcement as the Fellsway.
Off Forrest St Malden, MA 02148 - Malden Ward 7Waite's Mount Park off Forrest St looks like Beirut or Baghdad, a total disgrace with graffiti on the granite rocks, tons of broken glass not too long ago this was a beautiful and much loved and used neighborhood park
Parking Enforcement ArchivedCitywide Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 1The city should enforce laws requiring people parked on streets from parking to far from curbs. The city could and should be held liable if emergency vehicles cannot get through an area because of cars parked to far away from curbs. From what I saw yesterday this is a citywide problem. Please enforce parking laws across the city and ticket/tow these vehicles that are parked in the middle of many of our streets. The city should not be expected to clear to the curb for residents, the owners of the cars should shovel spots for themselves just as people with driveways have to shovel. Seems as though many lazy entitled people have moved into the city.
650-656 Highland Avenue Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 3The southbound traffic coming from Highland often does not recognize the right of way of the northbound vehicles coming around the circle to get onto Fellsway East. The southbound traffic already has a stop sign, but maybe they also need a "yield to traffic" sign. And maybe also some enforcement. During morning rush hour the other day, we saw two cars get into an accident here.
Sidewalk Archived39-53 Judson Street Malden, MA 02148, USA - Malden Ward 1This is suppose to be a sidewalk!! Judson and Newhall streets
862 Main Street Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 4With the increase in traffic from Main Street coming from Melrose, it has become increasingly difficult to make a left turn from Main Street onto Winter Street. A slight green light delay for the cars coming towards Malden could help alleviate some of the congestion, especially during rush hour periods when it is almost impossible to make the turn.
Sidewalk or Curb Repair Acknowledged533 Fellsway E Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 3Sidewalk isn't passable due to tree.
Highland Ave malden, MA - Malden Ward 3Highland Ave close to Medford line just before Rita drive. Bobcat clearing snow from odd side of Highland ave to even side dumping in bus stop/sidewalks/and corners
Snow Removal Dumped on the Bike path ArchivedNorthern Strand Community Trail Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 6Abutting business (property structure that houses Eliot services) has dumped their snow removal onto the bike path creating a pile that is approximately 4-5 feet high and 30 yards in length and covers the entire width of the path.
Matheson's Gazebo Fellsmere Park ArchivedFellsway E Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 3What is the latest for the Mysterious Gazebo. The Gazebo that Ward 3 Matheson decided to take 35,000 dollars out of a fund with no questions asked. No permit pulled either. Public opinion didn't have a voice. So Mr Matheson of ward 3 when will you be coming out to discuss this disturbing occurrence.