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Fellsway West & East Amazon Forest ArchivedFellsway W Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - MedfordWhat ever these imbeciles planted all the way down the Fellsway East and West is now covering fire hydrants to the point that they can’t be found and the growth at Central Ave @ Fellsway and Medford street now blocks the view of traffic causing drivers to Gand to edge out through red lights. This is a disgrace especially with all the money the tax payers paid for the sidewalks , paving, and Lanscaping that went terribly wrong somehow! This is a serious issue and needs attention ASAP!!!!
Crosswalk Needs Repainting Archived100 Main St Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordDrivers along Main Street and Emerson Street not stopping for pedestrians in front of Medford Police station despite flashing pedestrian sign. PLEASE repaint faded crosswalk markings, elderly person was almost hit by a van as she was trying to cross the street!
Nuisance Wildlife Archived2-16 Powder House Ter Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordThe residents of this area are seeing rats 🐀 on a daily basis. Medford’s rat problem is getting bigger by the day. Would like to know how the City is dealing with this major health issue.
Street Signage Archived448 Winthrop St Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordPlease find out from Todd when the no parking bike lane signs will be posted Medford traffic closed issue 14862933 with no action Enforcement of cars in bike lane can't be done until you post the no parking signs!
Pothole Archived291 High Street Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordPothole maybe from a utility repair on High Street before Woburn St on the up hill incline right side of road heading towards West Medford. It’s very deep please fill this in soon it causes a lot of damage to many cars on a daily basis.
85 Fells Avenue Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medford
Issue ID: 14854397
Submitted To: City of Medford
Category: Roadwork / Street Construction Topics
Viewed: 19 times
Neighborhood: Medford
Reported via: mobile application
Reported: about 4 hours ago
Submitted To: City of Medford
Category: Roadwork / Street Construction Topics
Viewed: 18 times
Neighborhood: Medford
Reported via: mobile application
Reported: about 4 hours ago
Fells Ave and Murray Hill Road have been destroyed for over 9 years. I have literally had to replace all four tires on my expensive SUV because of the disrepair that Medford officials have ignored for more than 10 yrs now Work was just done in Murray Hill Rd near Fellsway East and STILL the road wasn't repaved. This needs to be addressed. I just found a chunk of one of my NEW tires flapping off the wheel the other day. Both roads and all of them in the area including Rock Glen Road, Vista Ave, Fern Rd., etc ALL need to be repaved and should have been years ago. Continuing to do shoddy patches is bs. My tax dollars need to be allocated to this, not useless libraries and schools when I have (and smartly never will) have children). pleaseeealso asked...
Q. What street(s)
A. Fells Ave, Murray Hill Road, Rock Glen Road, Vista Ave, etc. in Fulton Heights.
Q. What is/are the issue(s)? Please provide as much detail as possible.
A. The road are cracked, have irreparable pot holes. They have ruined old and brand new tires on my SUV. It's gross they haven't been replaced /repaved years ago. -
Parking-Related issue ArchivedCharles St & Wicklow St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Medford164 Surrey St has put up No Parking/Tow Zone signs along their building. They have no right to do so. I have been parking there for years. The City of Medford legal right of way is 50 feet wide from the opposite sidewalk. I have measured it and it puts its 2 inches from the building. They put a note on my car saying June 20th they will start towing. I know for a fact that they have no right to do so.
Crosswalk Needs Repainting Archived212 College Avenue Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - MedfordThere are multiple requests on see click fix about this crosswalk needing paint for over a year! I am calling the mayors office. I think Medford needs to get rid of See Click Fix and have a 311 system like Somerville. Enough is enough. Are we just waiting for a student to get hit before we address an issue that had been requested many, many times!
Rodents or Other Pests Archived28–98 Granville Ave Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordIt literally everyday I'm seeing more and more rats City of Medford please address this ASAP This is beyond disgusting Dealing with the GLX project is disturbing enough
Foliage needs trimming Archived1140 Fellsway Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2
Accessing the Fellsway from Malden St has become dangerous. The hellstrip foliage has grown to a height where oncoming traffic cannot be seen without encroaching upon the right travel lane - if a car is speeding you may not see it until it hits you.
I am aware that this may be the responsibility of DCR rather than Medford, but it needs to be addressed before an accident causes injury or worse.