Everett, MA PLUS
Solicitações em aberto: 149
Questões Encerradas: 1.593
Solicitações Reconhecidas: 54
Tree Issue - OtherAberta24 Sherman Street Everett, Massachusetts - EverettResident said the sidewalk is cracked and lifting and the roots to the tree in front of his house are wrapping around his porch, underneath. He would like it looked at.
Tree Issue - Trim RequestReconhecida17 George St Everett, Massachusetts - EverettTree lost a big limb in fall. Part of it is dead and anytime the wind blows hard chunks of it fall onto the sidewalk and street. Please trim off the dead portion
Tree Issue - Trim RequestReconhecida38 Kennelworth Street Everett, Massachusetts - EverettResident would like tree trimmed
-29 Harding Avenue Everett, Massachusetts - EverettLive trees and poison ivy growing on Housing Authority property.
The trees need removal as the poison ivy keeps growing back At 288 Russell St. at 29 Harding Ave. -
Tree Issue - Trim RequestReconhecida816 Broadway Everett, Massachusetts - Everetttree needs to be trimmed at the corner of broadway and Elliot. squirrels are getting on his roof.
Tree Issue - Trim RequestReconhecida35 Morris Everett, Massachusetts - Everettbranches need trimming. very big tree. resident would like it to come down. branches are always falling
Tree Issue - Trim RequestReconhecida16 Dunster Everett, Massachusetts - Everetttree needs trimming
Tree Issue - Trim RequestReconhecida112 Francis Street Everett, Massachusetts - EverettResident said tree needs a trim - branches are hanging low. Going to fall on someone or something.
50 Clark St Everett, MA 02149, USA - EverettSeveral trees on the block are in danger of touching residences. A big storm could mean serious damage. Thanks for your attention!