City of Bexley PLUS

Vấn đề Mở: 89 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 4.197 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 120
  • ParkMở
    102 N Parkview 43209 - Bexley
    4 or 5 skunks living under the gazebo. (Please don’t hurt them!!)
  • ParkMở
    2075 Fair Ave Bexley, OH 43209, USA - Bexley
    This is the gateway to Bexley at Park Dr and Fair Ave. It is overgrown. Could this be cleaned up and beautified, to be in line with the standards of the other Bexley gateways?
  • ParkMở
    Grandon Avenue United States - Bexley
    People are parking on Grandon Ave (first block) that work at the dentists office on Main St, all day, everyday. It’s a 2 hour limit. We’re tired of this, please ticket them. Thank you.
  • Street / SidewalkĐược thừa nhận
    1 S Dawson Ave Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexley
    the sidewalk on n side of e. broad St near Dawson is obstructed.
  • Street / SidewalkĐược thừa nhận
    2374 Bexley Park Rd Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    Sidewalk partially blocked by bushes
  • City treeĐược thừa nhận
    1019 Vernon Rd Bexley 43209 United States - Bexley
    Large dead branch hanging by bark high up in tree
  • City treeĐược thừa nhận
    66 N Merkle Rd Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexley
    Dead tree...for 2 years. Please replace when you have your next planting. Thank you!
  • City treeĐược thừa nhận
    2460 Seneca Park Pl Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexley
    there are some really big dead limbs on the tree in front of my house. one came down really close to my car. can some of the big dead limbs be trimmed up.
  • City treeĐược thừa nhận
    57 S Cassingham Rd Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    The city tree in my front yard is dead. Please remove/replace. Thanks!
  • City treeĐược thừa nhận
    126–168 N Roosevelt Ave Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    Tree limbs hanging very low, on grassy median and in the middle of street.
    Some limbs are fully broken off and could easily fall. Also large enough that could damage vehicles and fall onto pedestrians causing injury.
  • City treeĐược thừa nhận
    1024 Grandon Ave Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexley
    Broken branch is in the street
  • City treeĐược thừa nhận
    844 Chelsea Ave Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexley
    Could this tree be removed? It is mostly dead and dropping limbs.