Church Hill NE
Open Issues: 4
Closed Issues: 13
Acknowledged Issues: 2
Watching issues created after: 2017-08-29
This area not covered by other "watch areas" in church hill, I have family and friends here personally, and want the City to know how to make it better!
Notified About
1204 N 31st St Richmond, VA, 23223, USA - Church Hill NorthSide footpath of street damaged. My daughter 6 years old bus stop is right on R St and N 31st St corner.
She almost fell on that broken concrete slabs.
Needs attention ASAP.
Street Light Out Open1312 N 30th St Richmond, VA, 23223, USA - Church Hill NorthStreet light not working x 3 months. Dominion advised it is not their pole and suggested I reach out to the City/County.
Bulk Trash Archived3306 P St Richmond, VA 23223, USA - Church Hill Northbrush in back alley, been over a year now that it has not yet been collected
Overgrown lot Archived1113 North 33rd Street Richmond, Virginia - Church Hill NorthOvergrown lot at vacant multi family building. Front and back are both issues.
Street hole Open1206 North 31st Street Richmond, Virginia - Church Hill NorthBetween R and S stream on 31st is a street hole which causing damges of vehicles and dangerous of stones flying to the houses Windows or side street parked vehicles.
Bulk Trash Pickup Archived1402 Oakwood Ave Richmond, VA, 23223, USA - OakwoodI recently put trash out to request for pick up. I know that they ask for it to be placed then call. Before I could even call, someone has gone through it and has now strewn trash all over my back yard and the alley way. How do I get this taken care of asap?
Overgrown Lots Archived1300 North 32nd Street Richmond, Virginia - Church Hill NorthThe high grass and weeds at this vacant home home needs cutting.
Overgrown Lots Acknowledged1106 N 33rd St Richmond, VA 23223, USA - Church Hill NorthLot is overgrown and unkempt. Contributes to neighborhood blight.
Bulk Trash Archived1110 N. 30th St Richmond, Virginia - Church Hill NorthThere is a pile of plywood in the alley behind this house, also a wooden box that used to cover a gas meter.
1114 N 31st St Richmond, VA, 23223, USA - Church Hill NorthFor the past 3-4 months our drains have been clogged and water pools at the side walk. It is now causes a muddy mess and though I personally collect trash there. Its hard to park there to let anyone out. We have to jump over the "sludge" to get to our home.
Bulk Trash Archived3312 P St Richmond, VA 23223, USA - Church Hill Northmostly pieces of wood, in back alley next to supercan