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Open Issues: 48 Closed Issues: 15,607 Acknowledged Issues: 132
  • ConstructionAcknowledged
    Pershing Field - The Heights

    Pershing Field north of Community Center. Wide steps north of Center are being sabotaged by corrupt maintenance workers. Water is directed under the slabs and soil is washed out under whole set. There are visible cavities under slabs. Also, tripping hazard.

    I request maintenance supervisor be fired for sabotage of public property.

  • ConstructionAcknowledged
    Charlie Heger Ice Skating Rink - The Heights

    Pershing Field Ice Rink

    1. North fire exit permanently blocked by stored plywood.

    2. Roof on north and south side permanently leaks at outer edges. Clear sabotage on part of City workers.

    3. I request City fire worker responsible for maintenance.

    4. I request certificate of occupancy be revoked for fire safety hazard.

  • 100 Ogden Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07307, USA - The Heights
    fountain in Ogden End Dog Park stuck in "on" position. also, bowl will not drain properly
  • Urban Pups 286 7th St, Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA - Downtown
    no water from fountain in small dog run
  • 25 W Hamilton Pl Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Please resurface the tennis courts in Hamilton Park. One of the players twisted his feet and got injured. He had rest for the whole summer. Please keep up the quality of the court. It hasn’t been resurfaced for a long time.
  • 964 Garfield Ave Jersey City NJ 07304, United States - Bergen-Lafayette
    Water fountain is continuously running
  • Fairmount Ave At Monticello Ave Jersey City, NJ 07304, USA - McGinley Square

    Trees on east side of Monticello between Fairview and Faimount have outgrown tree guards snd in some cases the tree gratings.

    Tree guards and some gratings need to be removed.

  • 75 Woodward St Jersey City 07304, United States - Bergen-Lafayette
    Water fountain inside canine area in need of replacement. Also pups need fresh of fresh lime stone, pretty please or upgrade to astro. Other tickets have been ignored. Please help. Thank you
  • 2983 John F Kennedy Blvd Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal Square

    Not sure why the previous ticket was closed as "resolved" without anything done other than the inspector observing that there was a problem.

    The issue continues to exist with cars parking here all day / everyday Can we get some actual help?? It's a memorial park, not a parking lot

    And - not only is it disrespectful - it is DANGEROUS for pedestrians as cars are illegally driving on the sidewalk and parking as they please How does this continue with no one caring?!?-..

  • Sidewalk DefectAcknowledged
    1009 Garfield Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    According to this resident, "all the sidewalk from 1001 - 1011 Garfield Ave. are badly damaged and in need of repairs."
  • 2 Exchange Pl Jersey City NJ 07302, United States - Jersey City

    Light glass on the uplight is shattered

    - EPASID

  • 25 W Hamilton Pl Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Drinking fountain by splashpad continually leaks and when fountain turned on water leaks to ground as drain pipe is broken. Decorative cover is held on with cable tie.