Historic Park Street Neighborhood

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Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2015-04-16

5th Ave. North to 70th St. N to 1st Ave. S. to Sunset Drive

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 6327 1st Ave N St Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
    Forclosed property gate open and very overgrown.
  • 6624 3rd Ave North St Pete 33710 Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
    we have reported this issue so many times nothing gets done we can not drive down this alley way with scratching our car between the branches and trees over grown and im a tax payer and I demand something gets done also the power poles and transformers are so over grown in weds if we have a bad storm my mother will be without power and she has stage 4 cancer I so tired of reporting this the alley way off 66st and 3rd ave north and 67street alley between 3rd and and 4th ave one guys alley is 3 feet high and tree branched sticking out of lawns please do something
  • 6749 4th Avenue North Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
  • Pothole Archived
    6737-6799 Central Ave St Petersburg, FL 33710, USA - St. Petersburg
    I drive this road frequently. This appears to be more of the beginning of a sink hole.
  • 6370 5th Ave North Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
    Black (flat painted) 4 door Camry parked on the side yard with the back of the car close to the house with NO TAG!
    This is an ongoing issue at this house cars without tags!
  • Other Archived
    7301 2nd Ave N Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
    lack of lawn maintenance. the grass hasn't been cut in 2 months
  • 6722 5th Ave N Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
    trailer in front yard
  • 7429 Burlington Ave. N Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
    Junk, trash, debris at carport against house
  • 6370 5th Ave North Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
    There are 2 open Refrigerators next to this house (on the right side) behind their van! There are 20 people living at this house and 12 of them are children. These Refrigerators are NOT locked or secured.
  • 6743 3rd Avenue North Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
    we have complained a few times about how bad the alley way between 3rd ave and 4th closest to 66st and 67th wagrowth has been for years I vist my mother in law and the trees and bushes scratch my car I know were I live this would have be a violation and notices would be given it is to the point it is causing damage and is a real eye sore and needs to be addressed
  • 5th Ave. N. And 76th St. N. Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
    The Palmetto Palm growing around the Stop sign at 76th St. N. and 5th Ave. N. grows out of control on a regular basis. No one takes care of trimming it. Sometimes drivers will jump out and cut back a frond. It should be removed or replaced to allow for clear views at the Stop sign and traffic flow on 5th Ave. N.
  • 118 Pinellas Way North Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg
    There is a truck with a trailer attached and yard debris that has been parked here for weeks. I have never seen it move during the day and don't know if it is working. Eye sore.